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Components and pricing problem

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    Components and pricing problem

    OK, I'll get to the point (else I'll waffle!)

    I have a product (Graco travel system) on website. £125.
    It has also has 2 components, one optional, one free item.
    The optional one has price set at £12.50 and is linked to a product listed elsewhere on site. As it is discounted from the normal site price (normal price £15), I have the price stated in the component settings.
    Second component is a free Graco in-car autobase. I have it linked to the associated product (on site for £23) but with a price, set in the component, of £0
    I have "use associated product prices" and "use associated product name" UNCHECKED in both cases as I want them to display on the invoice with the component dames.
    The main product is set as "sum of product and component prices" so that it adds the £12.50 for the raincover, when needed, and the £0 for the in-car base.

    NOTE: I've attached a screen shot of the product and its components if it helps to see how it is set up?

    Problem is, on adding the travel system to the cart, the price comes up as £148. Which is the travele system (£125) PLUS the STANDARD autobase price of £23 NOT the £0 set in the component settings.
    Likewise, if I add the raincover, it goes up to £160.50 and it should be £125 plus £12.50

    The link is here
    It's the second one down I've used as the example (it's the one the customer called about!) but the top one does the same.
    In both cases the price, at component settings, is £0 and the main product is set as "products & component prices" with "use associated product price" UNCHECKED but it still add the associated product price on.

    Am I getting it wrong? Or is it a bug?
    Tracey (peeved that it has to come to light on a Saturday when there's no=one about! )

    Just as an addition to this post, I've just taken the order from the customer and processed it as an offline order.
    Oddly enough, it's gone through fine!! Only charged £125 for the pushchair and it's £0 priced component plus £12.50 for the raincover so I'm now sure there must be a glitch in the program somewhere.

    Also, for anyone who tried to check it via the website, I've changed it so that the price for the product is £0 and the free autobase component is the full pushchair price. I've then changed the pricing model to be "sum of component prices" with "no orderline for main product" unchecked so that someone might actually be able to order online with the corrct pricing!
    These blooming things have been on site for weeks, explains why I haven't sold one, if the pricing is wrong. It needs sorting poroperly though, the format I'm not using is not really right!!
    Anyone encountered the problem in the OP?


      I think there is a serious problem with component pricing/stock levels - I've posted my moan before, and I just can't get it to make sense of pricing or stock levels. Have followed the "rules" rigidly, yet it still doesn't work properly...
      New Year - new YOU!
      (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


        can someone from Actinic please confirm that this is a known (and worked on) problem?


          Hi Tracey

          I've tried this on a default store and it works for me, from your example, it added 125.00 and 12.50. Please check on the "Travel System Raincover £12.50" component, you have "Use Associated Product Price" ticked. On the screenshots shows on the 1st posting, you had "Use Associated Product Name", but place a tick in "Use Associated Product Price" otherwise it will not work. Once you have done this, update the site again. If the same happens, then it may be its not updating properly.
          So i would delete this product, update the site, check the site that the product has disappeared. Once you have done this, undelete and update again.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            Nadeem, thanks for your reply.
            It's not the raincover that is causing problems, it's the in-car base.
            The raincover was fine. I hadn't got the "associated product price" checked because the price is different to buying it separately and it has an override price, in the component settings, of £12.50 (whereas the associated item price is £15)

            It's the in-car base that causes problems.
            The main product is £23 with monitored stock.
            The component has it's price set at £0 (and, along with the main product price of £125, I did have it set to use "sum of product and component prices)

            However, it WAS adding £23 for the autobase when adding the pushchair to the shopping cart (only online though, it did not do it when I created a new offline order)

            I have had to change it on site now to give the free in-car base component the full pushchair price and the pushchair product a price of £0 and set the pricing to "sum of components"
            It's the only way I can get it to work on site while the original issue is sorted.
            It definitely did not work the way it should do originally (2 different items had this problem, both Graco travel systems)


              Hi Tracey,

              I have tested this out too and it works as it did for Nadeem - what is the exact version of actinic that you are using (Help | About...)?

