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URLs for individual products

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    URLs for individual products

    I need to find the URL for individual products in the catalogue - I want to link to them from my main web site - but I want the screen to show the exact product I want not the top item in the catalogue/section

    (I'm new to this and I've had a look through the other strings, but couldn't find an answer to this)
    Jane Thurnell-Read
    200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

    500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips

    You just need to add #theproductreferencenumber at the end of the link.

    For example on my site :
    sends directly to the product whose reference number is 601200

    Best regards

    User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera


      thanks - that worked
      Jane Thurnell-Read
      200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

      500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


        I may have spoken too soon!

        it's working fine for some product links but not for others. It seems that for duplicate products or products I have used copy/paste it doesn't work (I just end up on the page where the duplicate is listed but not at the actual product) - is that correct or am I missing something?
        Jane Thurnell-Read
        200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

        500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


          Actinic uses the following for duplicate anchors. E.g. if the product reference is "TST123" then the main product anchor is

          <a name="aTST123">

          and for the 1st duplicate it's

          <a name="a1_21TST123">

          the second would be

          <a name="a2_21TST123">
          and so on

          The common wierd bit _21 is an Actinic way of converting the duplicates product reference of 1!TST123, 2!TST123, etc into something that will be acceptable within an anchor tag.

          Anyway if you have only 1 duplicate use

<product ref>

          If you've more than one you'll probably have to look at the source of the generated page to find the correct anchor name to use.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            thanks Norman - that's a great help
            Jane Thurnell-Read
            200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

            500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


              I'm intigued with this one gents.
              (Site below is in development).

              For example:
              does not work.

              does work.
              Well... Sort of, it goes to the next product.

              So what is the point of the "a" and why the next product?


                Actinic converts special characters in the product ref to _nn when building the Anchor tag and it add an "a" at the front. So the correct anchor you need is, in fact


                where the _2d is the replacement code for a hyphen.

                If you have special characters in the product ref, you'll have to view the page source to see what they're converted to. For example a space is _20.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Note that there is another method for making links directly to a product and that involves calling the with the true product reference.

                  This Knowledge Base article refers.

                  However this article won't take you to a Duplicate Product. If you want to do that you have to use n!PRODREF where n is the duplicate ID of the one you want (1 - 1st dup, etc).
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    Many thanks for clearing that up for me Norman.
                    I looked at the Knowledgebase solution but could not get it to work.
                    I suspected that it might be the "special character" issue, but assumed that that it would be a "%" not a "_" that prefixed the character.
                    In fact, I tried the "%" with the URL solution and that didn't work either.
                    In the end I made the post.

                    Aren't "Standards" wonderful?
                    So many to choose from.

                    Again, thanks


                      Here's how I'd do (NB untested) an spiderable link that goes to direct to a product where the reference contains special characters.
                      <a href=""
                         onclick="javascript:location.href='' + '#a' + escape('ABC-12').replace(/%/g,'_'); return false;">
                      where a spiderable URL is present (that simply takes us to the page top) but the click actually takes us to the real product.
                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

