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Sporatic problem with shopping cart

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    Sporatic problem with shopping cart

    One of my users is having a problem with items not being loaded into his shopping cart, or at least not appearing in his shopping cart. The strange thing is, that I can not duplicate his problem from any other computer.

    Here is his email to me: "I clicked on quantity for a couple of items and added it to the basket. When I went to view basket or view cart, I was directed back to the department I was shopping at with no changes being registered. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong."

    The program seems to work fine for me and for everyone else who uses it. Does this have something to do with his browser settings and if so, why doesn't he have this problem with other web based ordering shopping carts?

    Any help?

    I think user have reported similar problems with AOL users. Search the forum for AOL users
    Owner of a broken heart


      Originally posted by garyhay
      I think user have reported similar problems with AOL users. Search the forum for AOL users
      The user is not an AOL user. Any other guesses?


        Originally posted by garyhay
        I think user have reported similar problems with AOL users. Search the forum for AOL users
        Also, where is this forum for AOL users? It is not listed and you can not search using the term AOL, because you have to search with a word of 4 letters or more.


          I have changed the forum now so it will search on words of three letters.

          With regards to your specific problem, it does sound to me that the customer is using the store incorrectly. Check that when they add to the cart, and see the confirmation page, they click the 'Confirm' button rather than just clicking on a navigation link in the confirmation page to go back to the store.

