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Relative directories for CGI

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    Relative directories for CGI

    Despite filling out all the boxes in the network set-up to point to the correct directory, when dealing with any pages generated by the CGI script (search and ordering) all urls are resolved as http:///filename.extension. I cured this problem for the images, by pointing every URL to my domain name followed by /acatalog/ but I still can't order anything - so there must be a similar problem with the perl scripts. I'm not a perl expert but I can handle a bit of code hacking. I was thinking there should be a setting in Actinic itself though. I even reinstalled Actinic from scratch and uploaded the example site - again it worked for all actual HTML docs, but soon as a page had been generated on-the-fly all URLs were http:///x.gif etc.

    Can anyone advise me on how to rectify this? Thanks.

    Can you post your settings.
    Owner of a broken heart


      Check you have the following line in the <HEAD> section of your overall layout (Act_Primary) template:


      If not, put it there.


        I've already got that in the Act_Primary.html file - so all the links and images work - but there is still a script error.

        Server Details:

        FTP Server:
        User: scred72
        Password: ********
        Using passive FTP transfers.
        Path to the CGI-BIN Directory:
        Path from the CGI-BIN Directory to the Catalog Directory:

        Catalog URL:

        Codebase: ./

        CGI-BIN URL:
        Perl Location: /usr/bin/perl
        CGI Script Extension: .pl
        Path from the CGI-BIN Directory to the Catalog Directory (as viewed from the CGI Script):
        CGI Script ID: 8897

        I have tried actinic's example (from a fresh install in case I had altered anything with the changes I had made to the template files), but the same thing happened. On my web space the cgi-bin directory is in the root then there's htdocs/streetcred - so there is no as points to htdocs/streetcred. But this is how actinic set it up and the test script it uploads is successful. But on any pages generated by online I still get script errors


          This seems to be working now.

          Your 'Checkout' image is missing - but this is because the image is stored on your local PC in a sub-folder within 'Site1' called 'site'. Any images referred to in your Act_Primary.html template should be kept within your 'Site1' folder so they are located and uploaded correctly.


            Did you try to order something? Because I still get a script error as soon as I click on the product - and if I try to then add it to the basket or checkout it fails (saying it can't delete a file - but I'm guessing this is due to the script error).

            Here is the error:

            A General Script Error Occurred

            Error: Error deleting ../htdocs/streetcred/acatalog/195Z92Z168Z165A1049654544B85625.cart (No such file or directory).
            Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner


              Order Number: AAAAAA70000001

              I just ordered from your site with no problems WinXP, ADSL, IE

              Check the order and ammend you current stock level
              Owner of a broken heart


                Thanks - this is very strange - both IE6 and Mozilla 1.2 on my WinXP system and 56k dial-up receive a script error - hmm one thing I didn't try was a complete wiping of the temporary internet files - so maybe I tried it when in both browsers when it was incorrect and now its working but both IE and Mozilla are using cached files. A bit strange - I'll wipe them and see.

                Thanks again!


                  Just wiped the caches and cookies for both browsers - and I still get the same problem - this is just plain weird. What could cause it to fail on my PC? There's every chance it would also fail on other people's PCs


                    I have zone alarm running so I dont think it's a firewall problem. What are your privacy settings.

                    Can you order from here
                    Owner of a broken heart


                      I managed to order from that site no problem. I've also now been able to order from my site, but only by altering the privacy settings to Accept All Cookies. The original setting was what IE6 installed with, and as the error doesn't give any indication that its cookies causing the problem many people are going to be unable to order from my site. If I could order from that site with the previous privacy settings then why not from my own? Is it the way my web-space has been configured or possibly a setting in Actinic somewhere?

                      Thanks very much for your help, I'm very grateful


                        Yet more strangeness - I haven't touched the privacy settings in Mozilla but now that I managed to get it working in IE it works in Mozilla - the only explanation I can think of, seeing as IE and Mozilla don't share cookies, is that somewhere on the site it had logged the name of the user on my PC and the other one I tested it on (which was the same username) and until I got a working cookie for that name it wouldn't let me proceeed.

                        The two machines were separate, dialed up at different times but both failed, and the only thing the same (not even the ISP - I tried a few) was the username which was used to log on. Strange that Actinic would remember a user by the username and not IP or browser info or anything else. Anyway it works now so I am happy.

                        Many thanks to everyone who helped I just hope it stays this was.

                        Much success to you all,

                        Mark Graham


                          If I could order from that site with the previous privacy settings then why not from my own?
                          Go back to here then in IE View>Privacy Report. I have a P3P policy on this site so that could make a difference
                          Owner of a broken heart


                            Try going onto your website and delete all *.cart files. That will end any shopping sessions you currently have open, but it may be that your online cookie has got the wrong base href for your store within it.

                            Also, go to your cookies directory and search for all cookies with 'actinic' in the content. Delete these.

                            This will then start you afresh and it may start working again.


                              There are no .cart files in the acatalog directory.

                              I had someone who had never visited the site before to check it - and they are just an average user with all settings as installed and they had the same problem. It only seemed to work if the privacy settings are lowered so a cookie can be created, but once set high again everything is ok. Is this consistant with the base href being incorrect for the cookie? How do I set this correctly, is it in Actinic's settings somewhere?


