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images and SSL Login page

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    images and SSL Login page

    When I go to my login page I get a message from IE saying that some items are not secure. Where do I put the images to make them ok with the SSL and also so they show in the Actinic preview. I tried changing the path to ../ and the SSL is ok but they don't show in the preview and they are not in the actinic folder they are in another folder in the site.

    Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA

    You need to keep all images that are not product images (eg background images, logo's etc) in the root of the Site1 folder and put a copy in the PreviewHTML folder for offline viewing

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Hi Jan,

      When I go to my login page I get a message from IE saying that some items are not secure.
      To ensure that SSL works with Actinic there needs to be a mapping between the secure cgi-bin and the non-secure acatalog folder as actinic only upload perl files to the secure cgi-bin. If this mapping is not there then SSL will not be able to see any image files.

      The other thing to check is for hard-coded images in the primary template - you should use relative paths rather than absolute paths to these images.


        I moved the files to the main Site 1 folder root dir and copied them to the preview HTML folder, they show up fine offline but when I upload the site the placeholder is just visible with the alt text. I used <img src="filename.gif"> in the code.
        Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA


          According to another thread it seems I needed to use the Advanced>Additional Files option to add the images..not sure why though but it worked.
          Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA

