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Transfer to server running Apache2 - problem with cgi-bin

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    Transfer to server running Apache2 - problem with cgi-bin

    We have been running several Actinic sites successfully on a Cobalt Raq4 server. We are now trying to migrate these sites to a Linux server running Apache2.

    We are hitting a problem with uploading the site in Actinic. The error messages seem to relate to problems finding the cgi-bin directory but we have checked and the cgi-bin directory is there on the server, the path to cgi-bin appears correct and the permissions are as they should be. We believe the problems are related to Apache2 configuration of cgi-bin. and the execution of scripts within cgi-bin.

    Has anyone encountered any problems teransferring Actinic sites between web servers, in particular those running Apache2?


    update on problem using Apache2

    me again - just to update

    We've been doing some investigation ourselves and one suggestion is that it
    has something to do with the original files (that worked on the original
    Cobalt Raq4 server) not working on the Linux. In testing, running a 'dos to
    Unix number 2' conversion on the original perl scripts seems to have a
    positive effect.

    Waiting on response from Actinic support.

