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Download on invoice doesn't work on Actinic

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    Download on invoice doesn't work on Actinic

    Our download files work fine for customers paying by credit card through Secure Hosting.

    However we have a number of customers who want accounts and to be able to order "on invoice". But when you purchase a download file on Actinic "on invoice" - you DON'T get the link to the file(s) at the end plus there's no link on the confirmation email that goes out. PLus! Customers get 2 confirmation emails - which then makes them think they've been billed twice - plus no files!

    I've had to suspend ordering on the site - can someone please help.



    Hi Jono

    I'm afraid you cannot use Invoice with Order for Digital Download. If we were to enable this, then a customer can get free digital download without paying for it.
    Also you will alway gets 2 emails, one a transaction email from Secure Hosting and another one from Actinic. This is normal and cannot be changed. The Actinic email will not contain the transaction number from Sec pay.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

