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Changing invoice report for offline orders

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    Changing invoice report for offline orders

    The invoice report is fine for the online orders, but a bit anomalous for offline ones.

    For example, the site is set up to only allow credit/cebit card as an option, whereas the offline orders might be cheques, etc, or even something like 'invoice with order' for inspection copies. Is there any way I can change (the business settings?) so that the Payment Method field can be altered to suit on the invoices but not on the web site?

    The other query is with regard to the Purchase Order No. Again, that is not on the website, but the offline orders often include a purchase order which it would be useful to include. Can i do this without changing the website and if so how? Can I make changes in the Business settings (if that's where I would do it) on another computer, so long as I don't update the website from that computer?

    Many thanks


    Hi Jo,

    Sorry but i don't fully understand your question on the first part. With regards to an offline order, if you select "Invoice with Order", then the invoice printer out will have a "Payment Method" field which will say "Invoice with Order". I'm afraid you can only have one invoice report for both online and offline.

    With regards to a Purchase Order Number, you don't need to turn on any option. All you do is create an offline order, then go into the order, go to "Misc.", put in the "Purchase Order Number", and when you print the invoice, it should be included here.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

