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Shopping cart & checkout queries.

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    Shopping cart & checkout queries.

    I'm tentatively poised over my copy of actinic, but I don't want to break anything, so I'll ask a few - probably easy - questions.

    Shopping cart:
    Is it possible to stop the meta refresh that occurs when users add products to the cart? Specifically, I want the user to have to click to continue shopping or to checkout, rather than be redirected. Consumers aren't clever people.

    Checkout: (and shipping)
    We can only supply to the UK, but I don't know how to remove the other countrie from the select dropdown box that appears in the checkout.
    Similarly, is it possible to set up p&p just for britain, so that it defaults to free 2-3 day delivery,and £3.99 for next day? I'm pretty sure it is.
    And finally - is it possibly to condense the checkout down to one or two pages before it goes offsite to the PSP? My main concern is that if I move inputs into two pages, actinic will still look for four (or whatever it is) pages - meaning it errors after page two.

    This is pretty much all thats holding me back now, the anticipation is spooky. Woooo!

    I realise that there's alot to answer up there, but it struck me as better to ask it all at once than to have three or four threads.


    Is it possible to stop the meta refresh that occurs when users add products to the cart? Specifically, I want the user to have to click to continue shopping or to checkout, rather than be redirected. Consumers aren't clever people.

    Speaking as a consumer.....

    Go to 'Design | Options | Shop Defaults' and check what your 'Shopping Mode' is set to. If it is set to 'Quantity on Confirmation Page' set it to 'Quantity in Shopping Cart'.

    If it is set to 'Quantity on Product Page', you can upgrade to 6.1.1 (available from then you can set the 'Bounce Page Delay' (in 'Design | Options | Shop Defaults') to '0'. This will show the cart instead of a bounce page.

    We can only supply to the UK, but I don't know how to remove the other countrie from the select dropdown box that appears in the checkout.

    Go to 'Business Settings | Tax' and set tax calculation to 'Simple'. Then go to 'Business Settings | Shipping and Handling'. Delete all shipping zones other than 'UK'.

    Similarly, is it possible to set up p&p just for britain, so that it defaults to free 2-3 day delivery,and £3.99 for next day? I'm pretty sure it is.

    Change te 'Calculation Basis' to 'Total Quantity'.

    Delete the 'First Class Post' and 'Second Class Post' shipping classes from within 'UK'. Then do a right click on 'UK' and select 'Add Class | New Class'. Enter a name of 'Free 2-3 Day Delivery' and click 'OK'. In the table provided, enter the following.

    Quantity | Cost
    1 | £0.00

    Set 'Excess' to 'Take the highest value in the table'.

    Similarly, create another class called 'Next Day' and use the following values:

    Quantity | Cost
    1 | £3.99

    And finally - is it possibly to condense the checkout down to one or two pages before it goes offsite to the PSP? My main concern is that if I move inputs into two pages, actinic will still look for four (or whatever it is) pages - meaning it errors after page two.

    No - this is not possible I'm afraid. You need to leave the pages as they are.


      Thanks very much for your help, I've fixed two of the problems - uk only setting and delivery - and I'll upgrade actinic later today.

      Its a shame that we can't condense the checkout pages, as they seem rather thinly laid out, in our setup at least.
      (first page just has country select, third page just has payment method [which is only through one psp, so can't be anything but default] and delivery address)

      Its only such an irritation because less users will click through four+ pages than will two-three. Its a revenue thing. I guess modifying the perl files would be no use? :\


        shopping cart

        I am also trying to stop meta refresh that ocurs when users add products to the cart, so that it goes to the checkout page. I have tried what Chris Dicken said about setting 'Quantity on confirmation Page' set it to 'Quantity in Shopping Cart'. And setting 'Bounce Page Delay' to '0'. This has worked but now something else is happening, the Quantity box in now highlighted in red and a message is coming up saying something like 'the quantity must between 1-500 items. I think the 500 might be wrong it could have in the 300.

        I have set each of my items Quantitys to:

        Minimum Quantity=1
        Maximum Quantity=0

        If any one has any ideas to what I have done wrong.





          Can we please see a URL which demonstrates the problem?

