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Help - unable to download orders :(

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    Help - unable to download orders :(


    When I try and download I get

    Actinic received an request forbidden error from the web server. The server is not properly configured to allow Actinic to run CGI scripts from the cgi-bin. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.

    The site is runing fine, orders are being taken - receipots sent etc., but I can't retrieve the orders - help!

    Have you tried all of the following?

    - Restart Actinic
    - Restart your computer
    -View your web site and press control+F5 to re-load everything to ensure you're not looking at a cached version (gives you a better idea of whether the web server is online or not)
    - FTP into the web server

    If none of these work, and you're certain the web server is working fine (phone your hosts and ask if they're having problems?), then i'm out of ideas for now i'm afraid.



      Thanks - I can upload the site fine - I know orders are coming in (very fast!) - I just can't download them.

      Okay - not entirely true - as I have got some orders but there are still 10 or 11 to download....

      Have restarted Actinic, and my PC - stopped any firewall etc - really puzzled...

      Where are the files saved on the server, so I can see if I can manually view them?

      Desperate for any ideas from anyone - thanks.


        You could try connecting to your website via an ftp client and changing the permissions on the cgi-bin folder using CHMOD (most ftp clients support CHMOD) however i cannot see how the cgi-bin permissions relate to download orders.

        The orders are stored on your website ftp as .ord files however im not sure you can do much with them....


          It seems if I restaret actinic - then I can download maybe 1 or 2 orders, then it errors - so I have to restart it

          Have tried passive on and off - no joy - even enhanced FTP.

          Any thoughts would be gratefully received.



            Originally posted by Ian_W
            It seems if I restaret actinic - then I can download maybe 1 or 2 orders, then it errors - so I have to restart it

            Have tried passive on and off - no joy - even enhanced FTP.

            Any thoughts would be gratefully received.

            Ian - I had similar problems recently. Compacting & repairing database cured it - though of course your mileage may vary.




              Thanks - tried that - no joy.... Currently going to try running it from my laptop to rule out my PC.


                Hi Ian,

                How did it go, when you put it on the laptop, did it work?

                Kind Regards
                Nadeem Rasool
                SellerDeck Development



                  See - in the end it was due to a script to prevent dos attacks - Actinic was triggering it off!

