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Error on Import

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    Error on Import

    Hello all,

    I wanted to share some information that I just found relative to an import error that I was receiving doing a HIERARCHICAL import of 4400 items.

    The exact error is:
    Line 584: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.
    I searched and searched the import file to figure out what the heck this error was referring to and could not figure it out until this evening I just happened upon it by accident.

    The Failed_Items.txt file is shown here:
    Line 584: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.

    Line 586: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.

    Line 597: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.

    Line 599: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.

    Line 610: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.

    Line 612: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.

    Line 638: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.

    Line 640: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.
    Upon looking at the import file in excel I found that one or more of the "Choice" attributes were spelled "choice" (lower-case C) so just by chance I changed it to match the others with an Upper-Case "C" and then re-imported the file. That was the answer, the header shows "Header:Choice" and I am guessing now that the label "Choice" has to match the case of the "Header:Choice" statement.

    The following is the way the matrix looked for one of the products:
    577 Product 10107 Solid Sterling Silver Ladies Script Monogram Ring
    578 Attribute Size 1 Size
    579 Choice 5 5 0
    580 Choice 5.5 5.5 0
    581 Choice 6 6 0
    582 Choice 6.5 6.5 0
    583 Choice 7 7 0
    584 Choice 7.5 7.5 0
    585 Choice 8 8 0
    586 choice 8.5 8.5 0
    587 Choice 9 9 0
    588 choice 9.5 9.5 0
    589 Choice 10 10 0
    This sparks a question then for future design. When I enter an attribute do I have to pay attention to the case of the label (IE: Header:Choice --> Choice)
    or is this possibly a "bug" in the import routine and it shouldn't matter about the case of the attribute?

    Is it by design that the case of the attribute must match the case of the header line for that attribute?

    In addition I found that the Failed_Items.txt file was off by 2 lines when reporting the error which is what made it so difficult to find the cause of the error in the first place. I have noticed that with other errors reported in the failed_items.txt file and using the HIERARCHICAL import. With a flat file import the failed_items.txt file is right on the money with the line numbers and thus is very easy to identify errors in the import. What would cause the error reporting to be two lines off? (Notice above that the failed_items.txt file reports line 584 has the error when in effect if you will notice in the copy of the record the error is actually on line 586 in the HIERARCHICAL import file.)

    Well it looks as though it really does pay to read the documentation first.

    General Settings

    The import file should be a plain text file in either comma-delimited or tab-delimited format.

    The 'Header:' fields (and the corresponding text in the data record) are case sensitive.

    Data records MUST begin with the keyword defined in the related Header definition.
    However, the error reporting still seems to off by two lines.
    Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.

    Hi there

    However, the error reporting still seems to off by two lines.
    Please could you advise, if you open the import file in notepad and then use "Edit | Go to", and type in the line number, does it take you to the right field of where the problem is?

    Please could you answer this?

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Originally posted by Nadeem
      Hi there

      Please could you advise, if you open the import file in notepad and then use "Edit | Go to", and type in the line number, does it take you to the right field of where the problem is?

      Please could you answer this?

      Kind Regards
      Ok when I open the import file in notepad, first of all the lines are too long to fit width wise so it word wraps certain records even though wordwrap it turned off. So when I use Edit|Goto Line 1258 for instance it doesn't even come close and I really cannot even determine how many lines it is off. However if I use my normal text editor (TextPad) and then goto line 1258 it is off by two lines, landing on the actual product line but not the "errored" line if you know what I am saying.

      Here is an example:
      Product,10085,Unisex Sterling Silver Reflector ( This is line 1258 )
      choice,9,9,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( This is the error line)

      This is the Failed_Items Report for that import file.
      Line 1258: The record did not have a matching header line to specify the fields in the record.

      I have attached both files for you so that you can look for yourself.

      Well it looks as though the Manage Attachments problem is back, I cannot upload the attachments. So I have put them on my server for you to get.

      You can retrieve them from:

      Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.

