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Problems verifying password in checkout

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    Problems verifying password in checkout

    I am currently having problems on my shopping cart. When I go through the checkout everything seems fine but when I get to verifying the password it is taking a while to process and then it just reloads the verifying page again so the orders are not getting to the final stage. I then get an email saying:

    Following error has been displayed to a customer:

    An error occurred while creating the order number lock file (../acatalog/OrderLock.num). The error was Permission denied. Catalog can not create a unique order number and can not continue. Please contact us directly with your order.

    Debugging information:
    Input Hash:
    SEQUENCE : "3"
    PASS : ""
    RANDOM : "0.499328635241003"
    ORDERHASH : "611cee8cd852318fafd540fe8b91b4ff"
    HASH : "533f6ed870a0232576aad79c6e5808b4"
    USER : "llll"
    SIGNATURE : "40d2a185cf907054cfe46676a64507c1"
    Other people are also getting this problem and I receive the same email.

    I have searched through the forums and can't seem to find this problem elsewhere. I haven't made any changes and was recieving orders before OK. I will say though I have encountered problems with my host in recent months and this may well be down to that but I wanted to post here too.

    Thanks for any help.

    My gut feel would be that this is a permissions problem. Permissions are often changed back to the default 644 when a webhost fixes or upgrades the server OS whereas actinic needs them to be at least 755.

    To check, ftp into your site and check the permissions on the cgi-bin, and acatalog directory. If they aren't 755 then make the changes and try placing a test order.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks for replying Mike.

      I have double checked the permissions and they are set correctly, I have even tried setting the directories at 777 and it still doesn't work. The file it seems to be trying to get to ( is set to 755.

      Do you think this may well be a problem with my hosts?




        There have been quite a few posts recently in other threads about permissions problems being caused by hosts changing the 'owners' of various services away from the default. I don't know if there's a piece of software/OS that's casuing this but it does seem to be popping up more than it used to.

        This is an area I don't know much about so I can only suggest you try reading some of the other posts or possibly this knowledge base article:


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Hi there

          It could also be because your have another USERID which runs the perlscripts. Please see the following Knowledge Base Article.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            Hi Nadeem,

            Thanks for the help, I have tried solution No2 and it worked whilst with 777 but as soon as I changed it back the problem was back again.

            I don't quite understand how to go about solution No1 - how do I change the owner of the *.num files to the username of the process that is the effective user that runs the perl scripts.

            That all sounds like double dutch to me!!

            My ISP has said that all is fine with my cgi space.

            I have sent a query to support at Actinic but although they have been helpful, I'm just getting the same answers as on this forum. I really need to get this resolved asap so if anyone has anymore suggestions I would be very grateful.

            Thanks for all the help up to now.



              Hi Dawn

              No2 and it worked whilst with 777
              I would then suggest to leave the permission set at 777, it is quite safe to do this.

              I don't quite understand how to go about solution No1 - how do I change the owner of the *.num files to the username of the process that is the effective user that runs the perl scripts.
              This can only be done by the hosting company, not yourself. However if you leave the orderlock.num and backup.num to have a permission of 777, then this should resolve the issue.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development


                Thanks Nadeem, I'll keep it at 777 then (I wasn't sure if it was OK leaving it or not.)

                Unfortunately, my host is very unhelpful in these situations and haven't been able to resolve it at all with them, they just told me that I had to reset the permissions which I had told them where OK so I was just going round in circles. Time to look elsewhere I think!!

                Thanks again for all your help it is most appreciated.


                  Hi Dawn

                  No worries, I'm glad it now working fine.

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development

