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Can't lose frames (I'd love to)

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    Can't lose frames (I'd love to)

    I've searched for info on this topic, and not found anything, but forgive me if I've missed something obvious.

    The site is here and I would love to get away from frames (and I wanted to even before reading 'get rid of frames'). But I can't.

    I have subverted the 'norm' by not having any conventional form of home page and going instead straight to my main catalogue selection page with the section options for the site, with a simple left menu for the rest. To a point this works, but only to a point.

    a) I'd like the menu across the top to free up more page space for selling

    b) I'd like to turn frames off.

    When I do b) the left menu disappears altogether and that's the main bit I cannot figure out how to get round. I haven't yet seriously tried to do anything about a top menu, so that's not really the issue, but turning frames off is.

    Any and all help appreciated.


    you need to change themes rather than turn frames off.

    Choose one of the clean layouts and move forwards from there.

    Take a backup snapshot first though


      Thanks Jo.

      I've made a start on this and I can see it is heading in the right direction. It'll take me a while to get the page layouts back to roughly where I want them, but it's a whole lot better than the frames.

