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2 Instances of Order Manager on 1 PC?

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    2 Instances of Order Manager on 1 PC?

    I have a client who wants to run 2 Actinic sites for different types of products and have 2 instances of Order Manager on one PC. Is this possible or would they have to install them on seperate PCs?

    Or is there a better solution that my tired brain won't let me find?

    Originally posted by catalist
    I have a client who wants to run 2 Actinic sites for different types of products and have 2 instances of Order Manager on one PC. Is this possible or would they have to install them on seperate PCs?

    Or is there a better solution that my tired brain won't let me find?

    I don't think you can

    Jan has a mole add on which allows you to do it t hough I think



      Hi James

      Provided you have two v7 of Order Manager, you could simply licence two site, and put both the OM licence key here. So you can have two versions of OM on one pc.

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development

