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Changing text

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    Changing text

    Originally posted by
    This is my first ever post so please excuse me if it is in the wrong place. (I am also very new to Actinic and have only a general understanding of computers - but trying my hardest!) I have been trying to change the text on my website from "this product is currently unavailable" to "This Service cannot be purchased online" - I tried the advice below however when I made the text changes and uploaded them to my site nothing changed. Has the location for this text changed or am I doing something else wrong? By the way my website is - could you let me know what you think - feedback welcome...
    Not sure how I managed to post in v6 support but I think this should be in v7 (sorry)

    Hi Denise,

    if you have followed the instructions in the v6 post have you tried purging and refreshing your browser cache to make sure you are not viewing the old page?

    You could also try unchecking the "Can be ordered online" tick box against that specific product

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Looking at your site you may want to look at the "moving made easy" box in the right hand bar - the phone numbers are orphaned and the email address is forcing the table to expand and you are getting the background image starting to replicate again.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        It's in Design / Text / Goto / Phase -1, ID 351.

        You can also search for such bits of test via Design / Text / Search.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          OK, not able to help much but have had a quick look at the website.
          Looks good but PLEASE could you put in a feature to be able to download/print the terms and conditions easily.
          They're HUGE and no-one is going to want to read through all that text online. I know they can just print from the webpage but it'd be a big plus point if you had a button saying "click to print terms and conditions" so that potential customers could read the offline?
          Just a thought anyway :-)



            Wow - replies - thank you!!
            Just wait till I've had a go at the advice in the replies and I can guarantee I'll be back with strangely similar questions to the advice!
            Thanks for the feedback - i'll look into it.
            Any more feedback welcome.
            (God - you can tell I'm a newee - i'm so grateful!)


              Hi Denise

              Only two comments from me.

              1. Can you include an About Us section on each page. I navigated around for a while and could not find any, I only found it my chance. My personal view is that when I come to your site, I dont necessarily want to know what you can do, but what you have done. Its just a credibility thing (perhaps customer testimonials would help to).

              2. This is purely a visual thing but I find your banner at the top of the page to be to large and somewhat in your face. The rest of the site is quite delicate and the banner should reflect this too.

              All the best



                I quite like the top banner, in my opinion it blends in fine with the rest of the site.

                These are the changes I would make.

                Remove the cart contents box
                correct the width on the "moving made easy" box

                Emphasise the site as info giving rather than shopping, I'd imagine most of the clients are going to ring you to discuss the service before shelling out several grand. £2000 or £3000 is alot of money to just pay over the internet to an unknown. Hence the site is there to give info, gain credibility and provide sucess stories.

                Find a better way to layout the products, the image is taking up to much width, making the text come out as along thin column.

                Its a nice looking site though....


                  if you have followed the instructions in the v6 post have you tried purging and refreshing your browser cache to make sure you are not viewing the old page?

                  Sorry, how do I purge and refresh my browser cache?


                    OK guys (and gals)
                    I think i've worked out why nothing is happening - when I do the Design/Text/Goto Phase -1, ID 351 - click ok - I don't go to the requested location - any ideas why not?


                      You can get to it direct at Design | Text | Website and it is about the 25th line down

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        I'm so sorry to be so thick - but in which subfolder of website?


                          Customer Accounts

                          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                            I Know you've probably had enough of me now - I must be looking in the wrong place - I haven't got a tab called customer accounts (I can't beleive changing on line on text could be sooo stressful - the window is looking very tempting at the moment!)



                              Could you please let us know what version of Actinic you are using please? Is it Actinic Catalog or Actinic Business?

