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Add to cart button dimensions

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    Add to cart button dimensions

    Hi there

    I had to transfer my actinic catalog site to another PC so I exported it with no problems. When i tried to import it into the other PC everything was fine apart from one thing. The add to cart buttons for every product werent appearing on the page. I looked at the code and the image code was there but it had dimensions of width=height=0 pixels.

    I've had this problem in both Actinic Catalog v5 and v6 as I am currently building 2 shopping carts and have had to perform the same routine with both.

    Is this a bug or is there something i havent specified within Actinic?

    Many thanks for your help

    Go to 'Design | Options | Shop Defaults' and check the value in the 'Add to Cart Button Image' field. Is it a valid entry? When you click 'Apply' does Actinic complain that it cannot find the image?

    My guess is that Actinic cannot find the file on your new PC. You need to make sure it is copied into wherever Actinic is looking for it.

