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Can email and phone numbers be checked within Actinic 6?

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    Can email and phone numbers be checked within Actinic 6?

    Hi all

    We have a need to verify what our customers type in for their email addresses and telephone numbers.

    Ideally we'd like to prevent customers from giving only mobile phone numbers and the free web-based email addresses (like, etc).
    I don't think anyone will be surprised to hear that all of our problematic and fraudulent transactions are characterised by having mobile phone numbers and hotmail email addresses in them!!

    Is there a way of having Actinic itself check the data that has been typed into these fields and validate it? For instance - if the data matches certain criteria, such as a phone number beginning 07 or the term "" in the email then the address is refused and the customer is asked to try again?

    Does Actinic itself support such a mechanism, and if not could this functionality be considered for a future release?
    Alternatively does anyone know of a plug-in that could do this?

    Appreciate any help and advice on offer.

    Regards, Mark
    Transparent Communications Ltd

    Hi Mark

    I'm afraid Actinic does not have this feature currently, i will add it to the wishlist. However it possible to do this via javascript. All you would have is a javascript function which reads the line of the email address and does accept anything that ends with ""

    Regarding Mobiles phones, i can't see how this is done.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

