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developer V Business

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    developer V Business


    We have a number of customers that require sites and are currently looking into using the Actinic software to cater for these. What i would like to know is, if the developer licence means we give our customer a copy of the business or Catalog software and if not, how do they use it without the software?

    Silly question? or have i missed something?



    A Developer Licence gives you the ability to create and run as many sites as you want, from your computer. However, if your customer wants to process orders by themselves they will need a copy of Order Manager and if they will need to amend the site by adding products etc they will need either a copy of Catalog or Business if they need the additional features. Once you have this you can transfer the site to them by creating a snapshot.

    Hope this helps


    Located in Edinburgh UK


      Thanks for your reply Dave it has been a Great help, didnt think anyone would answer...... How much does the order managment cost, any idea and is it easy to use? obviously we will design and host the customers site but we dont want to be running back and forward with their orders....





        Order Manager is £150.00 ex VAT direct from Actinic. I have never used it but I cant imagine it is any different from the Orders Tab in your copy of Developer, just cut down to the basic requirements. In theory all they should need to do is print the orders and away they go!!


        Located in Edinburgh UK


          Remember though you will be the only one able to add new products etc.

          To be honest I think Actinic should give a bit more information against the developer package.

          I automatically assumed it was for web developers and wasnt interested in it.

          I ended up buying Catalog V7, then I upgraded to Business Edition. Now I am looking at opening some more sites and have realised that I would be better going for Developer.

          So I bought Catalog at £379, I then upgraded to Business which actinic done at £420. I have now enquired about Developer and quoted £850 to upgrade. If I go ahead with this I will have shelled out £1649 + VAT. Ok not a lot of money, but if it had been explained to me in the first place I could have bought Developer for £1250 and saved myself £400.


            I automatically assumed it was for web developers and wasnt interested in it.

            Its wierd isn't it....if you are a small business owner running your own sites then developer is probably a good move, as you get the ability to create limitless shops.

            As a developer I have never seen the benefit of Developer. Why would I want to shell out a load of money for developer when I can create a site using the software key the client has bought.

            There is a cheap entry level for clients using just order manager (for which I would have to use developer) but I have found that clients, on the whole, want to maintain their own products and to be honest I want them to maintain their own products too.

            As a developer I guess it depends on the end service you are going to provide for a client, I've never deployed a site with order manager ( I've never been asked for it, but for the reasons above I probably wouldn't do it anyway)

            So may be developer should be rebranded "Multi-shop"


              Originally posted by pinbrook
              So may be developer should be rebranded "Multi-shop"
              Exactly my point


                I cannot see any advantage of using developer. I have tried hard this year to work it out - even calling Actinic who eventually agreed with my point of view.

                All my clients want to run their own shops so I simply build the shop using the software they purchase, why should I pay £1200+


                  Originally posted by RuralWeb
                  I cannot see any advantage of using developer. I have tried hard this year to work it out - even calling Actinic who eventually agreed with my point of view.

                  All my clients want to run their own shops so I simply build the shop using the software they purchase, why should I pay £1200+
                  As many have said on here. They don't bother with developer and just use their customers licence to build the site.

                  I bought developer today at a cost of £999 as I want to run more than one website for myself.

                  As pointed out I think Actinic should really reword the description on their products page. Developer is plugged as for "web professionals" with even a reference from a web designer.

                  Due to this "bad selling" of developer it has cost me over £2.5k in software with Actinic.

                  I first bought V6 catalog, then V7 catalog, then upgraded to V7 Business and now onto Developer.

                  If I had known what I know about Developer pack when I bought my first Actinic software I might have spent the extra for that. I automatically assumed (like most I think) that although developer had all the same features there were a few extra's which were ONLY for web developers. Such as deploying sites for customers.

                  Hopefully someone at Actinic takes notice of these posts and changes the wording so that we can save someone else some money. Hey I will even provide a quote for actinic as a non web developer user of Actinic Developer !


                    The advantage in using Developer lays when you are creating and maintaining the shop and your customer only wants to receive the orders (they use Order Manager only)... or if you need several shops / sites yourself... otherwise... as you rightly point out it makes sense to use the customers copy to create the site.

                    Developer is also of use if you want to start selling your own themes.

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

