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Actinic Order Manager

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    Actinic Order Manager

    We are about to implement a site where we intend for our client to use actinic order manager. We have a copy of Actinic Developer and will update the site using this.

    This is the first time we have done this and I have a few queries?

    1. When we deploy Order Manager at our client site do we need to import an snapshot of the site? ( I notice this is one of the features within Order manager. )

    2. Each time we add a product to the store do we have to update them with a revised snapshot for them to import? (I hope not as this would seem rather cumbersome)

    Many thanks
    Steve Ashdown


    If you get your client "Catalogue" then he can update new products himself and save you hours of probably unprofitable time

    Otherwise the answer is yes to both questions
    Chris Ashdown


      2. Each time we add a product to the store do we have to update them with a revised snapshot for them to import? (I hope not as this would seem rather cumbersome)
      Actually, I'm pleased to say that the answer to this one is 'no. Once you have added a product to an online store, you can start receiving orders for it straight away in Order Manager - without that product being present in the catalogue.


        That is great news Chris.

        Although I assume that the absence of the product data will effect the stock management reporting capabilities due to the fact that order manager does not have a complete set of all the store products in its database?

        Many thanks,
        Steve Ashdown


          Absolutely right. The stock reporting would basically not work unless you regularly sent over snapshots containing the latest stock levels.


            Ok as i thought then Chris.

            We shall send over frequent snapshot updates for stock reporting purposes.

            Many thanks
            Steve Ashdown


              Although presumably stock reporting won't work if orders are downloaded on a different PC to the one that maintains the stock levels. Or is there a way of keeping the two PCs in sync?


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


