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UK Only

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    UK Only

    I have selected UK only in payment options and also for shipping.

    Having done this, why does the checkout screen then display the "Select Country" and "Select Shipping Destination" drop downs?


    Sorry all, should have done the research more thoroughly.

    I see this has already been answered by thread:



      Well, having studied the posts on this issue and tried myself to clean up the checkout pages as mush as possible, I have found this issue to be extremely frustrating. There are posts on this going back to 2002 and a good one which clearly explains the naff logic flow which was written by jxm:

      Posted 29th July, 2003
      Originally posted by jxm28788
      I am only going to supply products to the UK. I have removed all of the other countries from within actinic, but now on the first stage of the checkout it says "Select Shipping Destination. Country : " and then it fills in UK as the answer (as obviously it is the only one).

      Now it seems a bit silly to ask the customer which country when they don't actually have any choice, and can't change the selection. How can I remove this bit of the page (preferably without changing things at html level).

      Even better, as nothing useful is done on this page (no country selection and the 'separate delivery address' has been disabled), can I skip this and go straight into the next page? (if so how?)
      Clearly shipping and invoicing in a worldwide ecommerce package are going to be very complicated functions to set out logically, and then to code. Yes, it is very easy to be critical but I would prefer to be constructive. Has this issue been addressed in V7? Although I have to admit, even if it has and someone says there will be no problems in upgrading, experience has taught me that there are ALWAYS problems.

      With V6.1.5. my experiments have shown that if you comment out NETQUOTEDEL:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION
      NETQUOTEVAR:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION in both Act_Order00 and Act_OrderDetail then this does remove the demand for country selection, but you have to set up in VIEW | Business settings for shipping only to the UK and billing only to the UK. The problem is then that some error trapping in one of the PERL routines will bring up a warning on the next screen to say you must select a country (but only after a few hours have gone by - perhaps a session is timing out on the server?).

      Anyone know how to cancel the country error trapping?



        You cannot cancel it, but you can comment out NETQUOTEVAR:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION and replace it hidden form fields (<input type="hidden"....>) that have the same name and value as the fields generated by Actinic. But you still need that first page.

        What other people have done is to add some custom text into that first page that describes the checkout process.


          hmmm, just like doing a crossword, you get clues and have to figure the rest out.

          [QUOTE=cdicken]You cannot cancel it, but you can comment out NETQUOTEVAR:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION and replace it hidden form fields (<input type="hidden"....>) that have the same name and value as the fields generated by Actinic. But you still need that first page.

          Thanks for the clues Chris, am I right in assuming that the Values are:
          INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE and DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE ? The name I would guess is CountryName and the code is UK?

          Appreciate your further help



            It's actually...

            <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" ID="lstDeliveryCountry" NAME="LocationDeliveryCountry" VALUE="UK">
            <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" ID="lstDeliveryRegion" NAME="LocationDeliveryRegion" VALUE="UndefinedRegion">


              Great, thanks for your help Chris.

              I've installed the hidden inputs and so far so good, everything works fine!


