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If Mozilla/Firefox used, I have problem

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    If Mozilla/Firefox used, I have problem

    The customer can NOT change the qunantity if Mozilla/Firefox is used as the browser. (No problem when Internet Explorer is used).
    I am using Actinic 7.
    What can I do?

    A little more info would be useful:

    URL of site? Where the problem is: Product page? Confiormation page? Cart? Etc.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      It is on the Product page.
      Also, another problem is even if you decide to buy just "1"(which is defult), and add the item to the cart, and try to checkout, the page
      gets stuck and does't go to the next level.
      I will post a url later. in testing mode.


        We'll just have to wait for that URL then.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



          I have the same problem. Actually, I can not place my CURSOR anywhere that I should be able to:
          1)SEARCH or:
          2) Change Quantity or:
          3) Incoice address (they can not fill out this page; No cursor allowed)
          I have modified the template to make it costom template.
          What code have I erased?
          can someone please tell us what is the code that we might have accidentally erased?


            Again - please post your URL so we can see the code


              I do not have a URL yet. how can i post a URL.
              Can you just tell me what are the causes so that I can see what I erased?
              I ahave made a custom template; therefore, I must have erased something to cause this.
              pleas point me to the right direction.


                We are unable to help with out seeing the code, otherwise we are simply taking wild guesses into the wind.

                Maybe you could attach the offending template to your post


                  This is a common problem, I find myself redesigning the templates that came with Actinic to be both web standards and DDA compliant. My best estimate at the moment would be one of the numerous javascript hacks built into the Actinic template and specifically using the internet explorer DOM.

                  I intend to strip out 99% of the javascript, link to an external file, analyse and remove as much as possible.


                    Hi there

                    I'm afraid without seeing the site, it is very hard to know what happening. Why not try uploading to the trial server? The url is:

                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development


                      Mozzila / Firefox

                      I have a Mozzila rendering problem too!

                      All my efforts have been spent in ensuring our site looks (reasonably) presentable in MS IE (4 and upwards); however, since trialling Firefox, I've noticed that all the fonts are WAY too small.

                      Any ideas?

                      Also, what is the real-world upshot of this:

                      "... I find myself redesigning the templates that came with Actinic to be both web standards and DDA compliant. My best estimate at the moment would be one of the numerous javascript hacks built into the Actinic template and specifically using the internet explorer DOM."

                      Is the implication that Actinic has too much IE-specific 'tweaks' in it ... and that other browsers are all going to be (sometimes severely) compromised.

                      Cheers, folks.

                      <B>Steve Crane</B>


                        To cure the small font size in FF I cop out and use fixed font sizes. Although the better way to do this is ems

                        .8em = 12px
                        1.0em = 14px

                        I think!!


                          Hi Steve,

                          What Jo had written is correct to do, I thought we talked about this issue some months ago, and also given you the following link: which explains about em?
                          If you want to retain the font size then the best way is to use em.

                          Is the implication that Actinic has too much IE-specific 'tweaks' in it ... and that other browsers are all going to be (sometimes severely) compromised.
                          To be honest, thats that first time i read this. I would not say Actinic has got too many 'tweaks' in it to work with I.E. We use some javascript, but these are also able to work with Firefox.

                          Kind Regards

                          Kind Regards
                          Nadeem Rasool
                          SellerDeck Development


                            I think Actinic works very well with all major browsers

                            I do all my design work in FF, and check periodically with IE. I've never yet come across anything major.

