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Fonts etc.

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    Fonts etc.

    And while I'm at it, I would like to have certain key-words or phrases in bold font type. I've tried editing the various HTML pages, but this does not seem to work. I've used bot <B>;</B>, and <STRONG>;</STRONG>, no joy.
    Any ideas?

    Could you be abit more specific as you what you are trying to acheive. We can help but need a little more info....


      OK, sorry. Here goes, we carry a lot of books on the Autism Spectrum. In fact it is a very important section in our books department, so, on the opening page ( we would like to have the words "Autism spectrum" appear in bold. Ditto for other key-words. How do we go about this?


        Ok -

        within the fragment for your indexpage use this

        !!<<B>place text here</B>>!!

        for each occurance of highlighted keywords


        use !!< at the beginning of the whole block of text and >!! at the end.

        Also you might find the advanced user guide useful - download it from the download page on the Actinic site. This is covered in the section entitled "embedding HTML"


          Well, no joy. I opened the indexpage in notepad, looked up for the relevant key words, added the tags as described, saved, uploaded "altered" index page, and nothing happens. So have another look at the page in notepad, and the changes are not there? What am I doing wrong? I do think I need a good night sleep before I carry on with this, but thanks for your help.


            I opened the indexpage in notepad
            Are you editting the fragment that contains the text of the index page?

            ie the brochure page



              You don't need to do anything in notepad for this.

              I have taken the first line of your page as follows :-

              Orchid Book Distributors supply alternative health books to the retail sector as well as to professional practitioners.

              To add html to any part of this line do the following:-

              !!<<strong> Orchid Book Distributors supply alternative health books to the retail sector as well as to professional practitioners.</strong>>!! and this should do the trick.

              Hope this helps!

              Location: North Yorkshire UK


                A good night sleep and a little help does wonders. Thank you, got it going.


                  I'd advise against putting information like <b></b> directly into your templates where a decent <div class="bookTitle"></div> would be more suited, and putting the style information into a linked stylesheet.


                    I tend to use <b></b> for two reasons:

                    1. Search engines recognise the added importance of the text and give it a higher significance within rankings.

                    2. It's smaller/more compact and faster.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


