I'm trying to configure actinic v 7 for a book business. Have loaded about 5000 books as products, sorted into sections by Author with the display on website setting set in the upload file to either 0 or 1, so that about 3000 show as available on the web. All fine and dandy.
However I also need to have the web site displaying the same 3000 books sorted into catalagues for say Clock books or watch books etc.
This I have done by creating additional sections called Clocks, Watches etc and the hierarchical upload file has successfully distinguished the products books in those sections as duplicates. ( although the upload indicates its loading 10000 odd records) However I can't find any setting to force the display of the duplicate to automatically mimic the setting of the parent as to whether it is displayed on the website or not.
With so many items of single stock product I need to have a way of just updating the parent product settings once so that duplicate means duplicate ie if I take the parent off the site, I need the duplicate to automatically drop off whichever sub catalogue it is in.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Should I some how have created the subject cataloues in a different way? Otherwise the set up is all a bit useless for site maintenance purposes.
Thanks for all those budding helpful hints, Nigel