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Font size, bold and underline

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    Font size, bold and underline

    Your advice and comments are invited on the following issues/questions:

    1) Background information:
    We are using one of Actinic splendid templates, we are happy with the functionality and the look of our site. In time, I will develop a fireworks template to brand our site fully.

    We sell many different products to the niche skating community in the UK, EU, USA & Canada.
    One of our main products is our range exclusive designed t-shirts, for which we own the copyright and have sort trademark and permission from any interested party (namely Rollerblade Inc) as one of our designs uses a trademark name. Anyway, we need to put in small print underneath our design - in a pop up window - a few sentences relating to copyright law and trademark infringement. We want this "warning" to be smaller than the usual type face and also need to insert the copyright symbol (currently we just use: (c)).

    2) Questions/issues:
    - how can we insert the proper copyright symbol (i.e a c in a circle)
    - how do we change the size of the font used in Actinic
    - how do we make certain words/phrases appear in bold or underlined
    - is it possible to insert a table on to a page in Actinic, i'm thinking in particular about a shipping charges table, i don't want to make a table, convert it to an image and then insert the image, as parts of the table change from time to time - how have other people done this?

    3) Link to page on our site:

    The current t-shirt range is going to be updated later today, so if anyone is by chance interested in a t-shirt, come back later when i've overcome the above issues!

    Apologies for outrageous marketing/product plug, I needed to show what i was referring to - sorry!

    Taking it from the top. You can get the copyright symbol from word and just insert it in the html of the page by going to Advanced | Template Manager then editing the relevant page Act_ExtendedInfo.html.

    Changing the size of the text again you can do by inserting the font size attribute in html and making it whatever size you want. Same with <b></b> or <strong></strong> if you wish.

    On only the cap has a add to cart button by the way. Just thought you should know.
    Fitness for life!

    DIFN - Doing nothing is not an option

    The Supplement Warehouse - Bodybuilding & Fitness Supplements


      Thanks very much Owen - appreciate your advice.

      I've just updated our site and am now going to do the template manager thing you suggested.

      Kind regards


      PS - there is now an "add selection to cart" button at base of page - thanks for pointing that out!


        Also, in the actual full description fields of your store you can use 'embedded HTML' to make certain words bold.

        To do embedded HTML, you put normal HTML within the full description field like this:

        this word is !!<<b>bold</b>>!!

        i.e. this is standard HTML started with a !!< and ended with a >!!


          OK – this may make me sound stupid – but if it helps me get the job done, I’m willing to look silly!

          I am having difficulty editing the template, I just want to edit the ONE extended info bit for one product, not ALL the extended info templates, so I don’t think I want to be editing Act_ExtendedInfo (or a derivative of this) in the main site1 folder.
          C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1

          I’ve tried reading the manuals – both the User Guide and the Advanced Guide – and following the directions to Advanced | Template Manager and

          I’ve tried going through the Template Manager to edit the extended info file (info_ShippingAdvice.html) that is stored in the following location
          C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML

          But I can’t get the right bit to open up to allow me to edit it and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong! I get error messages:

          The specified file for the template editor was not found.
          Please check the command line.


          The .EXE file specified for the template editor is not valid (non-win32.EXE or error in .EXEimage)
          Please edit the command line.

          When I click OK on either of these error messages it brings up the Template Editor box and asks me to put the file name in the command line. – I use the browse facility to find the file I’m looking for, but it’s not there! (I did change the name of the file today and deleted the old one).

          Now I seem to be in a mess – although the site still works in preview and I just don’t know what to do next. I’ve looked through manuals, FAQs and knowledge base and I’m at my wits end.

          Can I navigate to the file in Windows Explorer and then open with notepad and make changes to the html and then save it? I’ve tried this but it doesn’t seem to work when I preview the site, even when I have first deleted all the files in the previewHTML folder.

          I’ve tried using embedded html as suggested by Chris !!<<b> xxxxxxxxx</b>>!! In the actual extended info box that you put your text in – but I don’t think that’s right either.

          If anyone wants to help me, feel free to email me direct:

          I really would appreciate an easy step by step guide of how to edit my extended info template/file that relates to just one of my products.

          All advice greatly received.



            I just want to edit the ONE extended info bit for one product, not ALL the extended info templates,
            create a template especially for the one product, apply it to the product

            leave all the rest as using the default template

