I've read ALL there is to read on the Community threads viz-a-viz Mouse Overs ... but to no avail! (PS There are some talented people out there! - Norman Rouxel, you know who you are!)
Anyway ...
I use Act_ProductLine and Act_ProductLineNew to display products; however, despite cut'n'pasting the code (and amending the image names) for the "Creating a Rollover for your Add to Cart Button" - as taken from page 16 of the "Actinic Advanced Guide 7.1" - and placing it into the "Act_CartButtonImage" as per this:
"<P ALIGN="left">
I simply cannot get the rollover function to work correctly.
I know it's me, but I'm going crazy!
In FireFox nothing at all happens; in MS IE6, the image changes on rollover but does not change back when the cursor is removed.
This 'fault' is generating visible pop-up errors in MS IE (which customers will not be happy about!) so, when I trap them to obtain more detail, it refers me to a likely missing ";" (semi-colon) ... yet I cannot find this and think it may actually be related to another mod I am trying and a bit of a red-herring:
"Including an 'Email A Friend' Link into Actinic"
as per Actinic Advanced Guide 7.1 page 47. But that's another story altogether.
Does anybody have any ideas? I'm really keen to understand how to cross-reference the aforementioned IE errors - when it states a line number and a specific character - to something 'meaningful' so, how do I go about finding these bits of code (sorry, I know this is naive
I've loaded the HTML into DreamWeaver MX2004 (with the HTML compressed function in Actinic on and off) but cannot find anything that remotely looks like requiring a semi-colon at the point as described by IE!!!
Thanks all ...
I've read ALL there is to read on the Community threads viz-a-viz Mouse Overs ... but to no avail! (PS There are some talented people out there! - Norman Rouxel, you know who you are!)
Anyway ...
I use Act_ProductLine and Act_ProductLineNew to display products; however, despite cut'n'pasting the code (and amending the image names) for the "Creating a Rollover for your Add to Cart Button" - as taken from page 16 of the "Actinic Advanced Guide 7.1" - and placing it into the "Act_CartButtonImage" as per this:
"<P ALIGN="left">
I simply cannot get the rollover function to work correctly.

In FireFox nothing at all happens; in MS IE6, the image changes on rollover but does not change back when the cursor is removed.
This 'fault' is generating visible pop-up errors in MS IE (which customers will not be happy about!) so, when I trap them to obtain more detail, it refers me to a likely missing ";" (semi-colon) ... yet I cannot find this and think it may actually be related to another mod I am trying and a bit of a red-herring:
"Including an 'Email A Friend' Link into Actinic"
as per Actinic Advanced Guide 7.1 page 47. But that's another story altogether.
Does anybody have any ideas? I'm really keen to understand how to cross-reference the aforementioned IE errors - when it states a line number and a specific character - to something 'meaningful' so, how do I go about finding these bits of code (sorry, I know this is naive

I've loaded the HTML into DreamWeaver MX2004 (with the HTML compressed function in Actinic on and off) but cannot find anything that remotely looks like requiring a semi-colon at the point as described by IE!!!
Thanks all ...