Two posts in 15 minutes!
I am trying to utilise "Including an 'Email A Friend' Link into Actinic" from page 47 of the Actinic Advanced User Guide 7.1.
As with my other issue, I've read everything I can on the Forums ... but, you may recall, I'm a naive twiddler and not a code guru!
Anyway ...
As previously, I use Act_ProductLine and Act_ProductLineNew to display products in our online shop; however, despite cut'n'pasting the relevant code (and only amending the eMail Subject to include the web-site URL) - and placing the resultant code into both "Act_ProductLine" and "Act_ProductLineNew", as per this:
<TD CLASS="actxsmall">
Please enter an eMail address in the text box to notify the recipient about this product:
<INPUT TYPE=text VALUE="Enter eMail address" SIZE=40 onFocus="this.value=''" onChange="var thisSiteURL=location.hostname,thisLoc=location.href + '#NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR';
if(this.value != '')
{location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=You may wish to take a look at this site '+thisSiteURL+'&body=I saw this NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME here '+thisLoc+' and thought you might be interested.'}">
<INPUT TYPE=button VALUE="Send"></TD>
I can only get the <Send> eMail button to work for the products which utilise the "Act_ProductLine" HTML fragment and not the "Act_ProductLineNew". Even then, I can only get it to work in MS IE and not Firefox, where nothing at all happens (is Firefox really this incompatible or have Actinic 'optimised' their code to please the larger majority of IE users?).
First I tried to cut'n'paste the relevant (and identical) eMail code into each HTML fragment - this failed to resolve the issue. So then I cut and pasted the entire HTML from the one that worked (Act_ProductLine) and pasted it into the one that didn't (Act_ProductLineNew), amending the latter manually to re-install the "New" product logo (which, as far as I can see, is the only material difference between the 2 bits of HTML):
"<IMG SRC="new_product.gif" BORDER="1" WIDTH="30" HEIGHT="14" ALT="New Product" ALIGN="absmiddle"><BR>".
was placed after the "NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREF".
As before, the code only works in the standard product template and NOT the "New Product" one.
I think the MS IE fault I get when displaying this page - a visible pop-up which refers me to a likely missing ";" (semi-colon) - is related to this ... yet I cannot find fault with the code (originally cut'n'pasted from the Actinic User Guide and carefully modded to change the eMail Subject).
What's so confusing is why the code works in "Act_ProductLine" but not in "Act_ProductLineNew".
Help! Please ...
Two posts in 15 minutes!

I am trying to utilise "Including an 'Email A Friend' Link into Actinic" from page 47 of the Actinic Advanced User Guide 7.1.
As with my other issue, I've read everything I can on the Forums ... but, you may recall, I'm a naive twiddler and not a code guru!
Anyway ...
As previously, I use Act_ProductLine and Act_ProductLineNew to display products in our online shop; however, despite cut'n'pasting the relevant code (and only amending the eMail Subject to include the web-site URL) - and placing the resultant code into both "Act_ProductLine" and "Act_ProductLineNew", as per this:
<TD CLASS="actxsmall">
Please enter an eMail address in the text box to notify the recipient about this product:
<INPUT TYPE=text VALUE="Enter eMail address" SIZE=40 onFocus="this.value=''" onChange="var thisSiteURL=location.hostname,thisLoc=location.href + '#NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR';
if(this.value != '')
{location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=You may wish to take a look at this site '+thisSiteURL+'&body=I saw this NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME here '+thisLoc+' and thought you might be interested.'}">
<INPUT TYPE=button VALUE="Send"></TD>
I can only get the <Send> eMail button to work for the products which utilise the "Act_ProductLine" HTML fragment and not the "Act_ProductLineNew". Even then, I can only get it to work in MS IE and not Firefox, where nothing at all happens (is Firefox really this incompatible or have Actinic 'optimised' their code to please the larger majority of IE users?).
First I tried to cut'n'paste the relevant (and identical) eMail code into each HTML fragment - this failed to resolve the issue. So then I cut and pasted the entire HTML from the one that worked (Act_ProductLine) and pasted it into the one that didn't (Act_ProductLineNew), amending the latter manually to re-install the "New" product logo (which, as far as I can see, is the only material difference between the 2 bits of HTML):
"<IMG SRC="new_product.gif" BORDER="1" WIDTH="30" HEIGHT="14" ALT="New Product" ALIGN="absmiddle"><BR>".
was placed after the "NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREF".
As before, the code only works in the standard product template and NOT the "New Product" one.

I think the MS IE fault I get when displaying this page - a visible pop-up which refers me to a likely missing ";" (semi-colon) - is related to this ... yet I cannot find fault with the code (originally cut'n'pasted from the Actinic User Guide and carefully modded to change the eMail Subject).
What's so confusing is why the code works in "Act_ProductLine" but not in "Act_ProductLineNew".
Help! Please ...