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Shipping Charge Incorrect

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    Shipping Charge Incorrect

    My client charges a flat shipping rate of $9.95. Whenever I enter this in the "Business Settings" under Shipping & Handling, it changes it to $9.94. I've tried inputing other prices and this does not happen. For some reason it only seems to occur when I enter $9.95 as a simple calculation basis for shipping. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas on how to correct it or is it a bug?

    thats classic!
    Looks like a bug too me?
    I tried it on my database (default) and it did the exact same thing.
    I can honestly say in the 4.5 years I have been around Actinic I have never seen this before. But rarely have I configured a site with Simple shipping.
    I will be interested to here what Chris Dicken has to say on this one.

    Brian Johnson
    :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
    1-732-528-7635 x203


      I have been able to recreate this and have reported it to the development team.

      A workaround is to open the 'ShipControl\SimpleShipping.mdb' database (in Access 2000) and go onto the 'ControlInfo' table. Change the value in the 'SimpleCost' field to '995'.


        Chris...I'm just trying to keep you employed! I figured between this and the unknown client login thing I could keep you busy for a while.

        Thanks for your ongoing help with everything. As always, it's very appreciated.

