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Protx not getting postcode

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    Protx not getting postcode

    I've got a problem on with the post code field not being passed to Protx.
    I've recently received this from a customer:
    Hi I have been attempting to place an order with you but I am being asked over and over to give post code then security code.As I have done both of these several times over Im beginning to give up hope of placing my latest order.Im a regular customer and cant understand as I dont normally have any trouble.
    This is what Protx have said:
    On testing your website I can see that the problem is stemming from the values your website is passing us.

    The customer is required to enter their Invoice Address (including postcode) on your own website. If you are capturing these details then you need to pass them through to us in the correct fields; the postcode needs to be sent through in the 'BillingPostCode' field but this is not being passed. So when the customer hits our payment pages the postcode that they entered is missing.
    Has anybody come across this before?
    Tony Depledge


    We don't usually get this type of problem with Protx. Can I check if you are using the default fields for your invoice addresses (Design | Text | Web Site (cont)tab | Invoice Address tab | Postcode/zip code field).

    Has this just happened for this one customer or are you getting problems with lots of customers?



      Thanks for your reply, sorry for the delay in responding - the site is not mine, but belongs to one of my customers, so I didn't have immediate access to it to check.

      As far as I can see, the only variation from the default settings is that the post code field is not checked as a required field in Design | Text | Web Site (cont)tab. This is because the shop owner doesn't want people who can't remember their post code to be prevented from ordering.

      He is not sure how many other customers are affected - the message from the one who had a problem has led him to be a bit suspicious about the number of people abandoning the sale during the Protx stage - he reckons 3 out of every 10, but obviously there may be other reasons why people abandon it.
      Tony Depledge



        Can you or your client recreat the problem yourselves?

