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Optimising for Firefox

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    Optimising for Firefox


    I am a complete beginner at this sort of thing so please be gentle. I run an established website at

    This site has been designed for Internet Explorer but I now wish to ensure it looks the same with the Firefox browser. Although perfectly legible etc on Firefox the headings etc differ to IE.

    My problem isd that I am VERY inexperienced with html coding and have no idea how to do this. Is there a step-by -step guide to ensuring my site looks the same on IE and Firefox?

    Please assume absolutely NO knowledge on my part when replying!

    theanswer to this is in the following thread


      Absolute beginner

      As I said, assume I know nothing. Read the thread and couldn't make head nor tail of it. Give it to me in plain English please?


        I'd summarise the bit you want as:

        "Text sizes such as 'small' mean different things to IE and firefox.

        To make it look the same you have to be specific in your css file about the text size to use. The best way is to specify text in 'em' sizes as that will scale for people who want to view the screen differently."

        You can see text sizing in work here:

        If you go to view>text size in IE you can see what happens with the different definitions of text size .


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Thanks Mike. OK got that. Seems to me you are saying text sizes should be specified in measurements eg "ems" rather than general terms such as "small". and I presume the same applies for headings? Seems logical that if you change it for Firefox and you are specific about size then it should be the same for IE? Not going to ruin things for IE am I?

          Now, whats a "css file" and where do I find it?

          I have inherited this site so know nothing much about how it was set up.

          Told you it would be basic!


            As long as you specify the text size it should be the same in IE and firefox.

            There are two ways of specifying text size, font, colour, etc:

            One is inline with the text using <font face=arial size=small color=red>text</font>

            The other is to define this in a file called a Cascading Style Sheet (or css for short). This is referenced by your page and tells the browser where the style information for the elements on the page are defined. This way you can define a style class for all your text elements and even change the way your headings appear.

            In actinic, the stylesheet is called actinic.css. Open it in your html editor and you should be able to see what it's doing.

            To find out more about css stylesheets, just do a search for 'css' in your favourite search engine.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Hi Guy's, I thought I'd pick up this thread rather than start a new one...

              my question:

              Is there any way to preview offline pages in Firefox rather than Internet Explorer?

              I've found that when building pages, I get then to work in Firefox first, and 9/10 times the page will work fine in IE, but rarely the other way around, hence my question.

              Thanks in advance.



                Actinic will display in what ever browser is your PCs default.

                I have FF as my default browser so catalog always displays in that, I also have an FF extension which allows quick browsing in IE. (right click)


                  errrrr my default browser is FF but Actinic always previews in IE which is a pain in the a***. How does one change this?
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                  The Supplement Warehouse - Bodybuilding & Fitness Supplements


                    Hi there

                    Go into "My Computer", in here go to "Tools | Folder Options | File Type". Make sure here the file types for .html .htm are set to use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.

                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development


                      or copy and paste the file path into the other browser address bar.

