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Shipping and Payment location error

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    Shipping and Payment location error


    I have read a few threads based on the message at the bottom and think that I am having the same problem. Has this been resolved, there seems to be talk that it is a bug?

    I have set 5 zones (UK, Europe, America, Australasia, Rest of World) and within each zone I have specified countries. Within payment, I accept PayPal and HSBC. For both payments, I have each country listed in the zones. But, when I load my store I get the message at the bottom.

    Also, I have unticked the specify location box in payment settings just to get something to load, but I do want to specify. Also, at the checkout, for billing address it only offers UK, shipping address offers all countries. Any thoughts.


    You have elected to only accept orders from locations specified in Shipping and Payment zones.

    After cross-checking the locations in all zones, some regions have been found that are not a member of the Shipping and Payment zones.

    In order to prevent presenting the buyer with the option of electing an invalid location on the web-site, any locations that have been specified in other zones but not the Shipping and Payment zones should either be removed or they should be added to the appropriate Shipping and Payment zone(s).

    Alternatively, you can remove the requirement for only allowing orders from locations in the Shipping and Payment zone(s).

    A full list of the invalid locations is given below or you can view them in Notepad by clicking 'View':

    Hi there

    Please can you make sure that "Limited by Location" is [b]not]/b] ticked for both of the payment method. You would only use this feature, if you want a certain country to use a certain payment method. Eg, America to use Worldpay only.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi Nadeem

      I spoke to your tech line yesterday and sent some files over for review as we could not resolve over the phone. This could still not be resolved so has been past to your dev team.



        Hi Nadeem

        As a new user of Actinic Catalogue you may be interested to know that I had the same problem as Steven Barkess above. Your proposed solution has worked for me and I am very thankful for having joined the forum as it has solved a problem that I have had for over a week now and is not covered in either the "Getting Started .." book nor the "Advanced users Guide". I think that you should change the text of the button so that it is clear that it is the payment method that is limited by location not the areas from which orders will be accepted (which is what assumed).



          I have the same problem again and am not sure how this was fixed last time.

          I added in a country to both the shipping address (within a Europe band) and also to the payment zones. However, I have not ticked the 'Limited by Location' box.

          I cannot see what I have done different here that now causes the billing address to only show the UK.

          Appreciate any thoughts.





            Did you add the new location to the appropriate Tax zone in Business Settings | Tax ?

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              Hi Bruce

              No, but I took the country out of the billing and shipping lists and it still did not work.

              I have Tax By Location to 'By Delivery Address'. Only the one box appears now (shipping address) with the check box below to specify if different billing / shipping required.

              For interest, i only have the one tax zone and that is the UK. Within the zone, UK is the only conunty that appears. This has worked fine for the last 12 months, it only went wrong when I added in another country.



                How was this problem solved

                Originally posted by Stickerman
                Hi Nadeem

                As a new user of Actinic Catalogue you may be interested to know that I had the same problem as Steven Barkess above. Your proposed solution has worked for me and I am very thankful for having joined the forum as it has solved a problem that I have had for over a week now and is not covered in either the "Getting Started .." book nor the "Advanced users Guide". I think that you should change the text of the button so that it is clear that it is the payment method that is limited by location not the areas from which orders will be accepted (which is what assumed).
                I am just starting to ship to Europe and have the same problem which makes no sense, how did you fix it ?


                  First, add the country to one of the tax zones - in View | Business settings, then define shipping classes and cost tables.
                  Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                  BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                  Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                  VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                  Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                    I am using the simple tax so can't add zones, does this mean that I can't do this unless I start using tax zones ?


                      When you ship to Europe, the law says that Companies can elect to enter their VAT registration number on your site, claim exemption from UK VAT and account for the VAT in their own country at the local rates. This is not possible if you are using simple tax.

                      So yes, to start shipping to Europe, you must start using tax zones.
                      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

