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Random Errors

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    Random Errors

    I have having real problems with a clients website just now.

    When I click on a product it never does the same thing every time.

    1) It will put the product in to the basket as it should and will update the "My Basket" section.

    2) It will say the items have been added to the basket but will not show it in the "My Basket" section.

    3) It throws up an error message

    "This shopping application requires permission to use cookies on your machine, but this has been denied.
    This can be for several different reasons, but they are all under your control:

    - you may have disallowed cookies altogether in your browser

    - you may have the privacy policy in your browser or internet security software/firewall set to a level that stops cookies from being used by this shopping site

    Cookies in this shopping application are used to keep track of your basket contents, remember names and addresses when you ask for them to be remembered and, when relevant, keep you logged on.

    Cookies are not used in any way that abuses your privacy or security.

    Please change your settings to allow cookies either in your browser or firewall. If you choose not to, I'm afraid that we cannot complete your request. "

    Whats going on with this?
    I have done a complete refresh of the site, I have deleted everything out of the CGI-BIN folder and then uploaded again and still get this random problem.

    I have all my cookies turned on and I am clicking the same product every time.

    I have also found that I am getting the error message : "A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: Your shopping basket has expired, orders must be completed within 20 hours or they will be automatically cancelled.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner" when trying to make a payment....

    Please Help!

    I have done some more testing using other web browsers and it looks like its a problem with MSIE!! The site works perfectly with Firefox.

    Can anyone shed some light on what the problem might be?




      Have you cleared your IE cache? and deleted all cookies etc to ensure you have a clean setup


        Originally posted by pinbrook
        Have you cleared your IE cache? and deleted all cookies etc to ensure you have a clean setup
        Yes, I have even tried it on another computer and it still has the "Works with Firefox, doesnt work with MSIE" problem.

        The site is .



          Ok I've just run the site in IE on my PC, all seems to function ok

          basket stayed full, and was updating properly, the basket content value matched the basket (top right) all the time


            I have just clicked on a product and got the following URL:

            I have asked the company who the site was designed for to try this and they are also getting random problems. Can I ask you to click on a product, add it to the basket then add that product again and again, try it 4 times and let me know what you get.

            edit: I just managed to add 4 of the same items to the basket and then when I went to add a different item it deleted everything in the basket and started messing about again! Saying it had added the item but not showing it in the basket.



              Just installed Netscape and guess what, no problems!

              So it is MSIE that is causing the problems! Is there any known problems with version: 6.0 xpsp2?



                Works fine in MSIE.
                Have you checked your cookie and security settings on your machine(s) running IE.
                If you do not have IE enabled to accept cookies then you wont be able to utilise the site correctly.

                The error you get ( should help you solve the problem

                " This shopping application requires permission to use cookies on your machine, but this has been denied.

                This can be for several different reasons, but they are all under your control:

                - you may have disallowed cookies altogether in your browser

                - you may have the privacy policy in your browser or internet security software/firewall set to a level that stops cookies from being used by this shopping site

                Cookies in this shopping application are used to keep track of your basket contents, remember names and addresses when you ask for them to be remembered and, when relevant, keep you logged on.

                Cookies are not used in any way that abuses your privacy or security.

                Please change your settings to allow cookies either in your browser or firewall. If you choose not to, I'm afraid that we cannot complete your request. "
                Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                SellerDeck Hosting
                SellerDeck Digital Marketing


                  I have checked the settings over and over again I have even forced the cookies to be on and pushed the security level down to low.
                  Still get problems. I have asked other people outwith my office and they are having problems as well.

                  As I said it is totally random, sometimes I get that error message, sometimes I dont. Sometimes it adds to the basket, sometimes it doesnt. But I am only getting these problems with MSIE, as I have said, I have tested this on other PC's I have even asked people out side the office to test it and they get random problems with MSIE as well.

                  Thanks for all your help so far everyone.



                    Have you checked your firewall ?

                    you may have the privacy policy in your browser or internet security software/firewall set to a level that stops cookies from being used by this shopping site
                    Since Fergus and I don't experience any issues it seems to me that the problem is inhouse. Or are you positive other people outside your network/firewall are getting the same behaviour


                      I dont know what I did but it seems to be working now! Very strange, Actinic seemed to throw its toys out of the pram, refusing to update the website with new pages unless I typed something new in to a page first then uploaded it.

                      All seems to be working now. Thanks for your help Jo and Fergus.

                      Thread is now closed for me


