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Various questions

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    Various questions

    Hi all,

    I have finally managed to upload my site, but there are lots of things I am not happy with, some I can sort out myself, others I need help with:

    1. I am shipping to the UK only, yet the user is asked to choose their country in the checkout. Choices are UK or "None of the above" - this goes for both invoice and delivery address. I want to bypass this and just have "UK" already present in the address details, without a choice to change destination.

    2. I want to loose the save and retrive options in the cart, how do I do that?

    3. There is no visible option to allow back-ordering in the checkout, despite the fact that I have checked this option within Actinic.

    4. Whenever I make a change and want to view the changes online Actinic keeps sending the whole site, which takes an age. How do I get it to just send the changed pages?

    5. I have an image in the header from Design/Options/Shop Defaults/Page Header/Footer. The image shows locally but not online - why not?

    I'm sure I'll be back with more questions soon enough

    Many thanks in advance.

    Kind regards
    Kind Regards Karen

    Hi Karen, I'll answer what i can:

    2. I want to loose the save and retrive options in the cart, how do I do that?
    You could just remove the buttons (I did the same - kinda pointless function in my opinion) - in Act_Order0x.html template pages off the top of my head.

    3. There is no visible option to allow back-ordering in the checkout, despite the fact that I have checked this option within Actinic.
    Back ordering occurs automatically if enabled in the settings, as i understand it. It'll allow customers to add quantities that you may not have sufficent current stock of to their order.

    4. Whenever I make a change and want to view the changes online Actinic keeps sending the whole site, which takes an age. How do I get it to just send the changed pages?
    It depends what you edit. If you make a change that affects all pages, it'll need to upload all the pages. If not, Actinic only uploads the individual page(s) that was edited. Is a local preview of no use, no?



      Originally posted by KarenBM
      1. I am shipping to the UK only, yet the user is asked to choose their country in the checkout. Choices are UK or "None of the above" - this goes for both invoice and delivery address. I want to bypass this and just have "UK" already present in the address details, without a choice to change destination.
      Go to 'View | Business Settings | Shipping and Handling' and in the 'If shipping band not defined' select 'Do not allow Shipping'.
      You can also get this if you have advanced tax selected, if you do have advanced tax selected, go to the 'Tax' tab and tick the box 'Do not allow 'None of the Above' as a zone member'.
      "OK Venus?"
      "OK Steve!"
      "Right then, lets go!


        2 untick "enable repeat orders" on business settings order tab

        5 check where the image is being displayed from, ie make sure your reference is not pointing to the C drive, or if it is online the image is where it is being called from


          Thanks for all your replies, they didn't work however:

          Ryan: I need a check box in the checkout to ensure the customer agrees to back-ordering. I know many other Actinic sites have them and thought they were automatically included. In answer to your question a preview didn't show me that missing graphic, nor can I see the checkout and cart pages unless online.

          Steve: That didn't work. It worked OK for shipping in that it removed the drop-down box, but it was still there - see screen capture.

          Jo: Still no checkbox in the checkout, and still no image. The image is not pointing to the local drive. Interestingly enough I included the image in the catalog body as a test. After uploading BOTH images showed up, i.e. the same image but now it worked in the header. After removing the graphic from the body, but leaving it in its original place it dissapeared again!

          My web address is - I still have quite a lot to do before I am happy with it so it's not perfect.

          Kind regards
          Attached Files
          Kind Regards Karen


            Originally posted by KarenBM
            Steve: That didn't work. It worked OK for shipping in that it removed the drop-down box, but it was still there - see screen capture.
            Go to 'View | Business Settings | Tax' select 'No Tax Levied' and tick the box 'Do not allow 'None of the Above' as a zone member' and click 'OK'.
            "OK Venus?"
            "OK Steve!"
            "Right then, lets go!


              Originally posted by Steve Zodiac
              Go to 'View | Business Settings | Tax' select 'No Tax Levied' and tick the box 'Do not allow 'None of the Above' as a zone member' and click 'OK'.
              Thanks for the suggestion Steve, but I haven't got that option in my version of Actinic (V 7.03). I use the simple tax option - as I don't want prices displayed with "Including 17.5% VAT) - but even the advanced option does not include the "No Tax Levied" option.

              Fell like I'm going round in circles here.

              Kind regards
              Kind Regards Karen


                Hi Karen,

                With regard to UK only shipping, I had the same issue. See thread

                If you look on my site and make a dummy purchase you will see no mention of country selection

                I am working with V6 but I believe the 'hidden input' fix will also work with V7

                It really does work!



                  2 From the help menu

                  Saving Shopping Carts
                  In 'Business Settings | Ordering', you can set whether customers are permitted to save/retrieve their shopping carts. The options here differ depending on whether you are using Actinic Catalog or Actinic Business/Developer.

                  · Actinic Catalog – Select 'Enable Repeat Orders' to enable the feature for your customers.

                  · Actinic Business/Developer – Select 'Enable Repeat Orders From Unregistered Customers' to enable the feature for customers that do not log into your store. Select 'Enable Repeat Orders from Registered Customers' to enable the feature for customers that log into your store.

                  When you enable the feature (the feature is enabled by default) a 'Save' button and a 'Retrieve' button is added to the 'View Cart' page on your online store.


                    Re: Question 5...graphic in header footer. Add the file name to "Additional Files" and it will upload and be available.
                    Jeff Pollack


                      Thanks for your help guys (especially Derek ).

                      I did have the missing graphic in my Site 1 folder and finally got it to show by including it at the bottom of one of the pages. Don't ask me why that did the trick, but it did.

                      Thanks again.

                      Kind regards
                      Kind Regards Karen

