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    As a new user I have uploaded several products into the catalog.

    I have used the file name in its full description eg c:\doc & setting\myname\mydoc\website\x-example.gif

    Am I correct in using this because in the getting started guide the image file name is just x-example.gif

    How will actinic know where to find the file?

    If I use the full filename when I do a site snapshot wizard it throws up a warning with all my image files


    You should keep the images in the root of the SITE1 folder - you can keep product images in a subfolder but keep all template images in the root. When you add a image to a product just navigate to the SITE1 or the subfolder and click on the image ... all you will see in the product image path is picture.gif or images/picture.gif

    If you refer to images outside the SITE1 Actinic will throw up the error message

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks, why do I have to make hard work of everything!

      I've got about 75 images saved in the wrong folders!

      Thanks for the advice, I really think this project is getting beyond me.



        Quickest solution would be to copy the files from the external folder and paste into the SITE1 folder - then go through each product and delete out the "c:\docs\folder\....." reference and just leave the "product.gif" reference in the image path.

        You could edit the database directly or export to a spreadsheet once the images are copied into SITE1 if you feel confident enough.. but for just 75 images it may be quicker to go via Actinic which will also tell you if it can't find the new image.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Dont think it getting beyond you, if you have got that far then you are just about there, with this forum help is available at every stage, just take it easy step by step and you will amaze yourself with the results
          Chris Ashdown

