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Adding HTML in Brochure Pages

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    Adding HTML in Brochure Pages

    I have a brochure page set up:

    I want to reformat it with colour, pictures etc.

    I believed I could just go & edit the 'Top_Tips_with_Punches.html' file in Frontpage, but this did not work. The changes were not saved in Actinic.

    I tried to copy & paste the html into a fragment, but it just displayed as html.

    Anyone have any ideas? Below is an example of the html I am using.


    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
    <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <title>New Page 1</title>


    <p><font face="Arial"><b><font size="2">Top Tips with Punches....</font></b><font size="2"><BR><BR>
    </font><b><font size="2">Types of punch<BR></font></b><font size="2"><BR></font>
    <b><font size="2">Button Style </font></b><font size="2">- These are the 'normal' type of punches, made by many manufacturers. We stock Personal Impressions,
    CQ, Fiskars and Carl Craft button punches.</font></font></p>
    <p><font size="2" face="Arial"><BR>
    <img border="0" src="file:///C:/Program%20Files/Actinic%20v7/Sites/Site1/Images/SuperPunch.jpg" width="131" height="104"></font></p>
    <p><font face="Arial" size="2"><BR>The Regular size is very easy to use in the hand. Hours can be spent in front of the telly clicking away making Daisies, Snowflakes etc...<BR><BR>The Jumbo size is better used on a flat surface such as a desk or coffee table. Make sure you punch onto a folded newspaper or craft mat to prevent damaging your surface!<BR><BR>Super & Mega size punches may require the aid of a Punchmate to punch through cardstock.</font></p>
    <p><font face="Arial"><font size="2">
    <img border="0" src="file:///C:/Program%20Files/Actinic%20v7/Sites/Site1/Images/Punch-Mate.jpg" width="142" height="113"><BR><BR>
    </font><b><font size="2">Lever Style</font></b><font size="2"> - Many manufacturers,
    such as Woodware &amp; Make Me are now moving towards the lever style punches, as they are easier to use, especially for anyone with mobility problems.
    <p><font face="Arial" size="2">All of these punches are designed to be used on a flat surface, but the regular & jumbo size can easily be used in the hand. Punchies can fly out of the bottom at speed though, so make sure you had a tub handy to collect the punchies in!</font></p>
    <p><b><font size="2" face="Arial">Sizes of Lever punches</font></b></p>
    <p><font face="Arial" size="2">
    <img border="0" src="file:///C:/Program%20Files/Actinic%20v7/Sites/Site1/Images/Daisy-x-5.jpg" width="400" height="183"></font></p>

    Card Making & Craft Materials


    Html in fragments must be enclosed in !!< >!!. The coding you quoted should be as follows:

    <p font face="Arial"><b><font size="2">Top Tips with Punches....</b><BR><BR>
    Types of punch<BR><BR>
    Button Style - </b>These are the 'normal' type of punches, made by many manufacturers. We stock Personal Impressions, CQ, Fiskars and Carl Craft button punches.<BR>
    <img border="0" src="SuperPunch.jpg" width="131" height="104"><BR>
    The Regular size is very easy to use in the hand. Hours can be spent in front of the telly clicking away making Daisies, Snowflakes etc...<BR><BR>The Jumbo size is better used on a flat surface such as a desk or coffee table. Make sure you punch onto a folded newspaper or craft mat to prevent damaging your surface!<BR><BR>Super & Mega size punches may require the aid of a Punchmate to punch through cardstock.
    <img border="0" src="Punch-Mate.jpg" width="142" height="113"><BR><BR>
    <b>Lever Style</b>- Many manufacturers, such as Woodware &amp; Make Me are now moving towards the lever style punches, as they are easier to use, especially for anyone with mobility problems. <BR><BR>
    All of these punches are designed to be used on a flat surface, but the regular & jumbo size can easily be used in the hand. Punchies can fly out of the bottom at speed though, so make sure you had a tub handy to collect the punchies in!<BR>
    <b>Sizes of Lever punches</b>
    <img border="0" src="Daisy-x-5.jpg" width="400" height="183">

    You will probably have to fiddle with it a little, I haven't tested it.

    Good luck

    Kind regards
    Kind Regards Karen


      Thanks Karen! It worked 1st time

      It's so great to be able to pick people's brains on here & learn as you go!
      Card Making & Craft Materials


        I just noticed something on your site that it might help to fix. It seemed somewhat slow when loading images and when I investigated it seems that you've got some very large JPEG filesizes. E.g. 1170005102Thumb.jpg is 28Kb and 1170005102.jpg is 71Kb.

        Re-saving these with a moderate amount of JPEG compression (I used Paint Shop Pro and a Save As / Option / Compression Factor of 25) and they drop in size to a much slimmer (and faster loading) 7Kb and 16Kb. A major increase in page load speed. This is especially important on your Section pages as they contain lots of images.

        If you search the Forum there are posts regarding "Batch Compression" where you can compress many images at once.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          I have downloaded the Irfanview software, but I don't have a clue how to do the batch compression? I am also worried that it seems to have converted all my files to IrFanview JPG files (frm standard JPG files).
          Have I really screwed up??

          Card Making & Craft Materials


            Just installing Irfanview won't have converted any files. You may have inadvertantly let it register itself as the default application to open graphic files with. You can change this via Irfanview / Options / Set File Associations.

            Also, Irfanview only makes copies of your files (usually into a different folder)when doing a batch job, so the originals should still be where they were. Anyway it's a good idea to backup everything (all of Site1, take a snapshot) before making any sweeping changes just in case.

            If you don't understand this process you'd be better getting someone to visit as we're talking about making sweeping changes.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Originally posted by ArtyMiss
              I have downloaded the Irfanview software, but I don't have a clue how to do the batch compression? I am also worried that it seems to have converted all my files to IrFanview JPG files (frm standard JPG files).
              Have I really screwed up??
              Don't worry. Nothing has been coverted, it's just that Irfanview is now set as the programme of choice to open a jpg file if you double click on the filename in explorer. You can still use the File | Open menu choice from any other graphic programme to open your jpg files in that programme.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                I bit the bullet, uninstalled it and everything is back to normal Phew! I won't be doing that again! I worried the pants off myself!
                Card Making & Craft Materials

