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Need an address confirmation page before payment info

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    Need an address confirmation page before payment info

    We have recently received complaints that customers don't know if they have entered their billing & shipping information correctly before they are ready to enter their credit card information.

    Is there a way to show the customer the details they have entered about themselves on the screen with the secure credit card checkout? Here's a screenshot of the ideal page it should appear on:

    Most sites have an area in which a customer can edit and double check their info if necessary, I am hoping I'm just overlooking it here.



    Your screenshot shows that you are offering USPS but perhaps you also have UPS as an option. Their Online Tools Address Validation feature, if turned on, would possibly help to avoid mistakes being made, even though the customer still chooses to ship via USPS.

    I say "possibly", as it appears that they only match up the Town or City with the Zip Code, and not the actual street address.

    Hope this suggestion is of some help.




      Hi Alistair,

      That is great info however we aren't looking for a confirmation from a courier, I was meaning a confirmation page for the customer to make sure they typed all their information correctly.

      Basically once they have keyed in their address info and gone on to the next page, it is the last they see of it. The cart contents show up but not with their information so if they have made a typing error they won't know until their order is already placed. Do you know what I mean?


        Hi Christi,

        Yes, I understand that it would be better to have the customer doublecheck their address, but the UPS Address Validation would still go someway to making sure they had not made a typing mistake but again, only as far as city and zip code are concerned.

        However, here's another suggestion that will possibly work for you. If you go to Design/Text and select Web Site (cont'd), Invoice Address, you'll find a User Definable field where you can enter "Have you doublechecked your address data?", or something similar, but make sure it's in the form of a question. Then check the "required" box, so that the customer needs to provide an answer before proceeding. It doesn't really matter what they type in this field, as far as Actinic is concerned, but they will likely say "Yes". This can also be applied to the Invoice address if billing and shipping addresses are different. Incidentally, this extra field does not show on the address info when processed.

        This way, the customer is being asked to verify the address before moving to the Credit card processing stage. Perhaps this would satisfy your requirements.




          Hi Christi,

          I realize that I haven't really addressed the question you originally asked but I'll leave that to the experts to deal with and hopefully they'll come up with an answer.

          Just one other small suggestion, if you decide to use my idea. I would adapt the wording under the Invoice and Delivery address tabs, to refer specifically to Invoice and Delivery addresses. For example, I'm going to ask "Have you double-checked your Invoice Address information?" This means that if there are two different addresses, the customer is being asked to specifically verify both, and not just repeat "Yes". It's probably a mute point but it at least shows them that the onus is on them to check both.

          Thanks for your question, as it's given me the idea to incorporate this into our site.




            It does seem to make sense to display the information the customer has entered at subsequent pages.

            Maybe actinic could look into what's required to modify the scripts to do this and build this into the standard scripts for a future release.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              All are truly great suggestions, but we already make the customer tick two things to ask them have they read something, etc.

              I think that what we need is just what it would take to get the functionality up to speed with the world's major shopping sites. People have learned to expect certain things and this seems to be one of them to an extent.

              I'm not saying that Actinic is bad, we wouldn't give it up- just don't want to go backwards or get too complicated in making the customer read the fine print, you know?


                Hi Christy,

                I can see where you are coming from, showing what the customer as written in the invoice/delivery address. These details are stored within the cookie as well, so if someone can write a javascript function which looks into the actinic cookie, then you could display what the customer had written before.

                Have a look at the following thread:
                Norman has written on how to display your cookie information.

                Kind Regards
                Nadeem Rasool
                SellerDeck Development

