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Application Misbehaved when trying to add to basket

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    Application Misbehaved when trying to add to basket

    I wonder if anyone can help, it seems that out hosting company has upgraded their servers (although they deny all knowledge of it!) and it seems to have broken the "add to basket" button.

    When I test the the site using advanced network settings the there are no errors returned and the site uploads correctly.

    When the "add to basket" button on an item is clicked, we then get the "The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.". I've had a good search through the forums but no one seems to have come up with a solution to it.

    Strangely, the view cart page works ( as well as the go to check out ( and the search so I don't think it can be a permissions problem.

    Current version of Actinic Business is
    Last edited by craigtubby; 28-Jun-2005, 08:05 PM. Reason: Added Info

    Changed Back

    Okay, we've managed to get our hosting company to put us back to the "old" server, and the CGI scripts are working correctly again.

    They had moved us to a win2003 server, so I take it we may have issues with v4 and 2003 server if they wish to move us at a later date? Has anyon found any work arounds?


      Hi there

      I'm afraid I have not seen any workaround to get version 4 working with Windows 2003 server. Windows 2000 is okay, just 2003. All other version, 5, 6 and 7 works fine, it just version 4.

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        I also have exactly the same problem. I'm using V4 and all my 'Buy Now' buttons stopped working on 29th June and my hosting company (Netnation) are saying that they haven't made any changes to the server!

        They say I am currently hosted on a Linux web server. I am really stuck now, no-one can order on my site! Anyone got any ideas?


          Hi Sharon

          Please make sure that all files within the /cgi-bin/ folder are set to a permission of 755.
          Also check if the /acatalog/ folder permission is set to 777. It may be that the server has been updated with a patch, which has caused the permissions to be reset.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development

