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PREAUTH Problems

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    PREAUTH Problems

    I have recently set up as an online retailer and I’m using Protx as my payment service provider and HSBC as our merchant service. There is a big problem I am coming up against...

    We retail consumer electronics and so the items we stock sometimes become obsolete. From a customer service point of view, each time an order is placed, we’d like to check the item is in stock and can be shipped before charging the customer’s card. In addition, we sometimes need to alter the amount charged to the card as part of the order may not be available or in a subsequent phone conversation, the customer may ask to purchase a complementary product.

    Our setup currently PREAUTHs the customer’s card at the time of sale and then we go into Protx’s online system to REPEAT the transaction.

    Our problem is as follows. When the PREAUTH takes place, the transaction value is shadowed on the customer’s card and, I think, appears on the customer’s credit card statement. In theory, when the REPEAT takes place, the shadow should be removed and a new charge placed on the customers’ card. However, on a number of occasions, the shadow is not being removed and so the customer sees two transactions on their statement. As our products are often high value, this can cause problems for the customer as it may take them close to their credit limit.

    Protx blames the problem on the bank and says it needs to be addressed by HSBC. However, HSBCs call centre (recently relocated abroad and therefore void of experienced staff) don’t seem to be able to help get the shadow removed.

    Has anyone in this group come across a similar issue? How have you resolved it?
    Is PREAUTH the way to go?
    Any ideas how to confirm the shadow is removed before the customer complains?

    Many thanks, James

    We also use pre-auth, but via Worldpay. Not sure if it is the same, but I guess it is.

    Whatever card is used, once we get a pre-auth number from the bank, those funds are unavailable to our customer. It isn't actually debited-more in limbo.

    We have 5 working days to complete, after that the pre-auth is automatically cancelled.

    We can't cancel a pre-authorisation, nor can the customer. Have you considered just doing an additional transaction to cover the difference?

    Pre-auth is good for us, we do get the odd fraudster and it saves us paying fees if we dont complete

    Hope that helps



      Sorry I can't contribute much to this, save that I am about to start using protx and was debating between "Preauth" and "Deferred" transactions.

      You may wish to take a look at the "VSP - How to prevent fraud" manual as what you have described above differs from the descriptions therein.

      Deferred: "A deferred transaction SHADOWS the card for the full amount of the transaction. The funds are not settled until you choose to send the RELEASE message to Protx to settle the funds. A shadow on the card will normally last for up to 5 days."

      Preauth: "A preauth transaction WILL NOT USUALLY leave a shawdow on the card. The transaction is cancelled and not settled until you send a REPEAT message. The repeat transaction requests authorisation from the card issuer AGAIN and the funds are settled in the normal way."

      Could it be that you are deferring the transaction, but then repeating it by sending a REPEAT rather than a RELEASE message?

      I will be interested in knowing your thoughts and resolution to the problem.


