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Losing Login on pages Outside Catalog

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    Losing Login on pages Outside Catalog

    Hi All.
    My site has pages within the site that are outside of the Actinic Catalogue (the actual shopping pages). When a visitor logs in, all i ok if the stay within the shopping area.
    However, if they click on a link from the shopping area to a page that is still within the site but outside of the shopping area, and then return back to the shopping area, they lose their logged in status. The shopping basket contents remain, but when they try to add more products, the items state that you must lbe logged in the view the price etc.

    I have heard something about the &NOLOGIN=1 but i'm not sure how to add this.
    Should this be added to the Actinic ACT_Primary.html and/or the pages outside of the shopping area (the catalog)?

    Any advice appreicated.

    PS. If i could just add to this. A typical link to a page outside of the shopping area would be something like this:

    PPS. The site is trade so trade members Must log in to see the prices


    Hi Andy

    Please have a look and follow the instructions on the following knowledge base article. This is what you need to do so people don't drop their login status.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

