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Invoice Information

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    Invoice Information

    I would like to heavily brand my invoices and have each item in a specific place. As a result, the Actinic invoices do not suffice. We are currently manually creating each invoice, which is time consuming but does work.

    Does anyone know of a way to extract from Actinic all the information required on an invoice in excel / CSV format? We could then use this report to perform a mail merge and produce all invoices for the day in one batch.

    Many thanks


    You can export orders by enabling export to file on the view / business setting / order processing tab and then right clicking on the orders you want to export and choosing the re-export option to export them to file, several files are produced though so you would have to do some work to get them in the correct order. Be aware also that exporting orders changes their processing status and so they might go to the completed tab.

    You could customise the Actinic report using either crystal reports 8.5 or hire a consultant to customise it for you, you could also save time by processing orders in batches rather than one at a time, we have two products that do this quite nicely :

    1) One Stop Automation - this downloads and processes all orders for you as they arrive, you define what processing is to be carried out. See the URL below for a free trial and more information.

    2) One Stop Order Processing - this has all of the batch processing features of automation, plus batch payment entry and batch customer emailing, you can use it on up to 6 machines on your network as well. See the URL below for a free trial and more information.

    We are working on a generic export orders tool for Actinic, so if none of the above approaches are suitable, you will be able to use this when it is complete - we expect to release this tool later this year.

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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