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Mystery <TBODY> tags

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    Mystery <TBODY> tags

    This seems to only apply to Windows XP SP2 users. For some reason the OS likes to drop in additional tags <TBODY> on html pages.

    Has anyone else noticed this? If you go online and take a look at the source code of any page. Make sure it doesn't already have these TBODY tags, then download a copy of the page to your desktop. Now open the page on your desktop and click on view source. You'll find TBODY tags are now included in the code!

    Anyone got a clue what this is all about? Found some vague references online but nothing by way of explanation.

    I've now noticed it's happening to files I'm working on offline.

    A friend of mine who is still on SP1 had this to say:-

    I couldn't replicate this using Internet Explorer, but I tried it with

    If you go to your home page using Firefox and View Page Source, you don't
    see the TBODY tags, but if you do an Edit Select All and then View Selection
    Source, they magically appear!
    Can anyone throw any light on this?


    Hi Myles

    I was just testing this out on internet explorer and firefox and i see this problem does not only exist on Actinic stores, but other sites as well. For example the community, i had save the file on the desktop and opened it, and saw the additional tags <TBODY>.
    You are right, it seems Windows XP does put these tags in and I'm afraid there is nothing you could do regarding this.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Ms Xml


      are you viewing source or editing in microsoft products?

      This is microsoft XML usually seen if you edit in wordpad, word or front page, try using notepad, ultra edit or dreamweaver.

      It depends on your system default editor as to what you see hence the disparity, nothing to worry about most browsers will recognise the TBODY tag or just ignore it completly.

      hope that helps.



        <TBODY> is an HTML 4 tag. See:

        Also search on "tbody" at
        Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
        Bob Isaac
        Director/Web Admin
        Volvo Owners Club Ltd

        Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


          Hello J

          are you viewing source or editing in microsoft products?
          Both. Viewing in Explorer and editing in Notepad. Not using any other editor at the moment.


          Already found an explanation of the TBODY tags. But no info as to why the tags are being inserted automatically when saving a file.

          I know this doesn't just apply to Actinic files, but it is anoying. It only seems to affect WinXP SP2 users.



            O.K. Now this is getting really bizarre.

            It seems that when you save html files to the desktop under XP SP2 it likes to change other stuff as well.

            This is some original source code when previewed through Actinic.

            <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding="5" width="100%" align="center" border=0>
            <TD class=tdback vAlign=top align="center" width=260><IMG height=150
            alt="Magical Wonders Logo"
            src="mwlogo1.gif" width=209 border=0>
            <TD class=tdback align="center">
            <H2>Serving The Magic Community Worldwide Since 1985</H2></TD>
            <TD class=tdback align="center" width=204><IMG height=141
            alt="Photograph of Myles &amp; Patti Sinclair of Magical Wonders"
            src="sinclairs01.jpg" width=200
            border=0> <SPAN class=smallestfont><I>Patti &amp; Myles
            Sinclair</I></SPAN> </TD></TR></TABLE>
            I then saved it to the desktop as html and re-opened the file. It now displays this....

            <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" align=center border=0>
            <TD class=tdback vAlign=top align=middle width=260><IMG height=150
            alt="Magical Wonders Logo" src="Catalogue_files/mwlogo1.gif" width=209
            border=0> </TD>
            <TD class=tdback align=middle>
            <H2>Serving The Magic Community Worldwide Since 1985</H2></TD>
            <TD class=tdback align=middle width=204><IMG height=141
            alt="Photograph of Myles &amp; Patti Sinclair of Magical Wonders"
            src="Catalogue_files/sinclairs01.jpg" width=200 border=0> <SPAN
            class=smallestfont><I>Patti &amp; Myles Sinclair</I></SPAN>
            Not content with adding TBODY, it's also changed all my
            which is not even correct syntax!!

            What the heck is going on?



              What can I say. Get yourself a decent html editor that doesn't muck up your HTML. The good ones will even check your syntax and document size and they aren't expensive.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                More decent than Notepad?

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



                  I'm not sure you've understood my post. No editing is involved here. I'm merely saving a preview file to desktop and re-opening in explorer. No editing involved.

                  If you've got XP SP2 try it and you'll see the issue in action.



                    Umm, Myles - Actinic saves all the preview files to PreviewHTML in your site1 folder, you can open them from there with explorer.

                    But I do confirm that following your steps a <tbody> tag is added to every table,
                    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                      The thing is that when you open (or 'read source') an html file then windows opens your default viewer/program for that file type. Usually notepad, sometimes something else. That viewer/program is what is appending the tags you don't want.

                      On my PC I have an HTML editor assigned to that task so don't have the same problem.


                      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                        Hi Bill,

                        The code in PreviewHTML is staying the same. But it is getting changed when saved to desktop.


                        I've saved a preview file to desktop without viewing the source code. Then opened using explorer and firefox. The code has undergone a change in both browsers.



                          OK. Now I see what's happening.

                          It looks like IE is inserting these so it can render the tables properly. According to microsoft it's been doing this since IE 3.0 and it looks like the tbody tag is defined in HTML 4.0.


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                            O.K. I can live with that. But what about the changes to <align="center">?

                            I've tried downloading a file from the net and saving to desktop. The results are the same. The code is getting altered somehow. Not only are TBODY tags added, (which I now understand, sort of) but <align="center> is changed to <align="middle">

                            Check it out with this URL.


                            There are no <align="middle"> in the source code. But there is when it's saved to desktop!

                            Any ideas why this is happening?


                              Probably something to do with what M$ used to refer to as active desktop. Solution is obviously use a non-desktop folder to save html pages.
                              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

