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Invalid customer accounts - Customer account addresses are not in shipping

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    Invalid customer accounts - Customer account addresses are not in shipping


    I'd just performed some major site updates and had reverted back from Test Mode to production and attempted an "Update Website" command, when I experieinced some problems with my customer accounts.

    The upload initially failed twice (both in different places) and 'hung' Actinic; however, on its third attempt, I received the following error message:

    "C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\fullaccount.fil,Warning: Some customer account addresses are not in shipping. The invalid customer accounts will not be uploaded. Invalid addresses: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    ("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" to protect the guilty ... which was my entire customer account listing!)

    Four questions:
    1. Anybody know what caused it?
    2. Anybody have an idea how to 'cure' it?
    3. How does one prevent a recurrence?
    4. Anybody understand the likely impact this will have?

    Cheers ...

    <B>Steve Crane</B>

    Hi Steve,

    When you update the site, Actinic will modify the .fil files to include the new information. If there is a dramatic change which involves changing shipping (removing or updating) on some customer account, which the previous site did not know, then it would be hard to modify it.
    The way to cure it, would be to delete all .cat and .fil on your local pc as well as online store. This can be done in "Help | Troubleshooting.... | Website Purge and Refresh", and just tick "Delete .cat and .fil", then do a refresh of the site. There will no impact once it is completed

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development



      Thanks for that ... it kinda makes some sense, given the changes we'd made recently. However, before commencing, I have a few questions (just to be on the safe side):
      1. What do the files to which you refer (.Fil and .Cat) actually control within Actinic (i.e. what is their function)?
      2. What is the impact (if any) of deleting them?
      3. If I am to delete them, where do I find the relevant local files (or does the "Purge" process to which you refer take care of all local and remote content?
      4. Will I 'lose' any customer data (other than the 'updated' shipping information to which you refer)?

      Cheers ...

      <B>Steve Crane</B>


        Hi Steve

        The .cat files are catalog files which include stock information
        The .fil files contains customer account which are encrypted and also discount information.
        What happens is that if you delete them, Actinic will regenerate the files locally then it will upload them onto the server, so you will not lose it.

        Hope this helps

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Cheers, Nadeem, I appreciate the time you've spent on this ...

          <B>Steve Crane</B>



            Your advice appeared not to have worked:

            "C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\fullaccount.fil

            Warning: Some customer account addresses are not in shipping.

            The invalid customer accounts will not be uploaded.

            Invalid addresses: "

            Please advise ...

            <B>Steve Crane</B>


              Hi Steve,

              One thing to check is please go into that particular customer account and click on "Addresses", Is there a state or country which is not in "View | Business Settings | Shipping and Handling"?

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development



                Nope, 'fraid not ... all of the requisite states/countries are present.

                The only change to the shipping folder we've made of late is to add a further shipping provider to cope with large parcels destined for Europe which Royal Mail's "International Signed For" service cannot handle.

                I'm performing a complete Site Refresh to see if this will allow our account holders to place orders. and cure all our ills!

                I will keep you informed.

                Cheers ...

                <B>Steve Crane</B>



                  Good morning!

                  Unfortunately, we still experience this problem when updating (or refreshing) our site (whether in 'Live' or 'Production' mode):

                  "C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\fullaccount.fil

                  Warning: Some customer account addresses are not in shipping.

                  The invalid customer accounts will not be uploaded.

                  Invalid addresses: xxxxxx "

                  I've tried compressing the database and deleting all the ".Fil" and ".Cat" files ... but still no joy.


                  <B>Steve Crane</B>


                    Hi Steve

                    I would suggest in registering an email ticket on this, as a member of the Support team needs to investigate your snapshot.

                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development

