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    Search results


    Something simple, but how do I include the search box on the search results page. I want to keep the design and layout of my site consistent by keeping the simplesearch in the top right of the heading bar. I am aware that the search results page automatically brings the search facility below the results, but this doesn't matter.

    Hi Mat,

    The only way this can be achieved is by viewing a fully generated webpage which has the search box, viewing the source, copying it, and pasting it within the checkout primary template (Which can be found in 'Design | Option | Layout').
    This is what version 6 customers had to do when adding a search box onto their brochure page.
    Here is more information, but instead of using brochure pages, you will be using the checkout primary template. If its the same as the default overall layout, then you may want to resave it as another file instead.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks for replying. Could you put that link in again, it doesn't work. I'm sure I have put copied the code and pasted it in the checkout template, but it still won't appear.



        Hi there

        Here is the link:

        Please attach your checkout primary template so i can take a look and see if it okay.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Attached is the checkout primary page. The code is there. If you look at the site which is in development: and add something to your cart so you can see the checkout page, the search appears on the first stage of the checkout.

          But when you start proceeding through the checkout, i.e. to the delivery and payment sections the search box disappears. This is where I am struggling. The links also disappear.
          Attached Files


            Hi there

            The reason is because "NETQUOTEVAR:SIMPLESEARCH" will not work on the "Act_Primarycheckout.html" page. Instead you need to put in the full generated search code, I've checked the trial site, and got the following code

            HTML Code:
            <div id="search"><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><form name=simplesearch action="" METHOD="GET"><tr> <td valign=middle noWrap align=left> <input type="TEXT" name="SS" size="23" maxsize="125" value="Search Term" onFocus="this.value='';'#FFFFFF'"> &nbsp; </td><td valign=bottom noWrap align=left> <input type="image" border="0" name="ACTION" src="quicksearch.gif" alt="Go!"><input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="PR" VALUE="-1"><input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="TB" VALUE="A"><input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SHOP" VALUE="trlshop17290"></td></tr></form></table></div>
            Put this in your "Act_PrimaryCheckout.html".

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              Cheers, thanks a lot. How do I do this for the navigation links? These can be found under the heading.


                Hi there

                By the same way, viewing the source of the page, and manually copying the generated html. For customisation you would need knowledge of HTML.
                Here is what the coding showed for me:

                HTML Code:
                <td align="right">  <b><a href="" target="_parent" class="actxxsmall" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_home','home2.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><span class="actxxsmall">Home</span></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</b>     <b><a href="" target="_self" class="actxxsmall" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_sitemap','sitemap2.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><span class="actxxsmall">Site Map</span></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</b>     <b><a href="" target="_self" class="actxxsmall" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_info','info2.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><span class="actxxsmall">Terms &amp; Conditions</span></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</b>     <b><a href="" target="_self" class="actxxsmall" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_search','search2.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><span class="actxxsmall">Search</span></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</b>     <b><a href=";SHOP=trlshop17290" target="_self" class="actxxsmall" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_cart','cart2.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><span class="actxxsmall">View Basket</span></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</b>     <b><a href=";SHOP=trlshop17290" target="_self" class="actxxsmall" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_order','order2.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><span class="actxxsmall">Checkout</span></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</b>     <b><a href="" target="_self" class="actxxsmall" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_mail','mail2.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><span class="actxxsmall">Contact Us</span></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</b>   <actinic:notinb2b>  <b><a href=";SHOP=trlshop17290" target="_self" class="actxxsmall" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_login','login2.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><span class="actxxsmall">Login</span></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</b>   </actinic:notinb2b>&nbsp;</td>
                The only problem with this is that when you need to move onto your new site, some links are still looking at the trial server, so you need to change this.

                Kind Regards
                Nadeem Rasool
                SellerDeck Development

