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Problem uploading site via wireless router

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    Problem uploading site via wireless router

    I installed a wireless ADSL Gateway (Linksys WAG54G) over the weekend. Since installing the gateway I have been experiencing problems uploading my site. The upload process gets as far as 'Uploading catalog files' and hangs when attempting to upload file ''. Switching back to my old USB ADSL modem the upload works fine, so I assume it is a settings problem on my new wireless gateway. Does anyone have an idea as to what I need to change?

    Thank you.

    Try enabling passive ftp. It may be that the router isn't setup to allow the external ftp connection request back into your PC.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks for your reply.

      I have looked at Advanced/Network Setup and the 'Use Passive FTP Transfers' box is checked. Or did you mean some configuration of the router?


        It was passive ftp in Actinic that I was talking about.

        I'm not sure what could be causing the problem. I'm not familiar with that router but you could check that ftp is an allowed protocol. There's usually a page somewhere in the router where you can set up this kind of thing.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




          does the upload always stop at the same file?

          I have also had problems with routers and outgoing ftp, I had a netgear one and it was rubbish. I now have a cheap belkin one and all works fine.

          you need to check the port options on the router, by default a low end router usually has all inbound traffic blocked and outbound blocked except the main ports.

          It depends really on the default configuration and wether the router uses NAT and or SPI for its firewall settings.

          can you ftp to a normal website?
          Curtain Poles


            It is always the same file (although this might be due to it being the first file to be sent rather than it being a problem with that specific file).

            I can manually ftp to the site and see the file (using Filezilla). I have been able to download the file from the site to my PC without any problems.


              Hi there

              Actinic uses multiple concurrection connections to the ftp server, while Filezilla may only open 1 connection. Maybe this is the reason why its not working on the wireless router. Actinic also uploads using HTTP protocol, so again this needs to be allowed, inbound and outboard on port 80.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development

