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Frames Question

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    Frames Question


    I am using Actinic within a content management solution called "DotNetNuke".

    I am pulling in the content from actinic using what is called the "iframe" module which is basically a frame.

    It's not quite working the way I would like it to.... Can anyone help?

    What is happening...

    Whenever someone is at the bottom of a long product page and clicks "add to cart", because the next page is a lot shorter, the browser doesn't realise this and shows them the page scrolled right the way down, past the content.

    The user thinks they have done something wrong because the page looks blank. They only see the content if they realise that it is at the top of the frame and they need to scrool up....

    Take a look....

    go to my shop at and choose one of the "Hush" machines. Try adding it to the cart and notice the next page appears blank.

    Now, I was thinking....

    Could I get around this by putting a html anchor in the outer page, or even the actinic page, which is then called at the bottom of actinic content with hopefully the effect of always scrolling pages to the top when a new page is viewed?

    If so, where would i add such a thing in actinic and would it be a javascript please?



    Not so much a direct answer to the above but if you view the site under FireFox the Javasript error console returns about 50 errors! This may or may not be the source of the problems

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



      No I don't think it's related to that, but thanks for the info....

      It's happening because the browser is not realising that the content inside the frame has change and therefore not moved the "view position" - IMHO.

      The only thing I can think of is to use a html anchor somehow.

      Anyone have any thoughts on this?




        No ideas - sorry. All I can do is suggest running the store outside of the IFRAME. This will also mean that when you get to the checkout, customers will see the SSL padlock (if you are using SSL) which they won't do if the whole store, including the checkout, is running in a frame.

