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Making breadcrumbs link

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    Making breadcrumbs link

    Hi - this should be straightforward - but i cannot get it done

    Breadcrumbs: - yes i can see the trail..but how do i get the hyperlink working? The site i am working on is as follows

    Your help would be apprecialted

    I am not at an Actinic PC at the moment so can not check the above - but thought you may like to know the left hand main navigation system is a real mess when using FireFox - it loses the yellow colours as viewed in IE and becomes illegible - would be worth taking a look to prevent alienating FF users.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      I can only assume that you have edited one of the ACT_Parent templates. I would copy the original file from your original theme, or compare the coding in one of the original themes to what you have.


        Hi thanks - yes i see the issue - i have not used FireFox before - it seems an older type of browser upon first glance - in that it does not seem to support the CSS style sheet i am using in the menu - could you point me to some CSS workarounds FireFox offers??



          Originally posted by graememac
          i have not used FireFox before - it seems an older type of browser upon first glance
          You could get lynched in some parts for saying that

          Issues like that usually revolve around using browser specific code not ratified by the W3C or an error in the code. IE has the advantage/disadvatage over FF in that it tends to ignore certain errors in HTML code - this is great if everyone is using IE but does show up using Netscape, FF etc. You will often see horizontal scrolling sites in FF and not in IE - a common HTML coding error.

          You can try several flyout menu's - Normans donationware at works well by all accounts (and works with Actinic section lists) or you can create one using Dreamweaver / Fireworks which generates cleaner code that will work on all platforms.

          Would also be worth checking through the CSS to see if there are any browser specific codes in there and then checking on the web if there is a known workaround and include both into the style sheet (eg moz.opacity and filter.alpha)

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            yes - it was the Act_ParentSectionsLink.html - i must have fiddled a little too enthusiastically - thanks anyway

