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Adding a 'transaction type' to 'payment history' within 'orders'

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    Adding a 'transaction type' to 'payment history' within 'orders'


    I want to add 'voucher' to transaction type' within the 'payment history' section within orders.
    This is because we recently ran a comp in a national mage to win £25 worth of vouchers to use on our site. As i'm only on catalog - we don't have a promotional code facility so i've told the winners to place their orders and we'll take off the £25 at our end.
    So, when I print out the invoice to send to the winner/customer, I want their to be 2 payment methods - 1 that says voucher, and one that says credit card (or however theyve chosen to pay the balance).

    Its probably really easy, but I havn't worked it out yet!

    Thanks - Nick
    Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!

    I asked about this before, I was told it was not possible to add a payment method, only to alter whats already there. It might be a workaround to call it a cheque payment, and add a `Voucher payment` in the comments box which is on the bottom left of the view payments page.
    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


      Thanks George,

      BTW - I like your new background!

      Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


        (Much, or any) Better than white?

        And do I need a new logo?

        Time to get these things organised as you'd know.
        Football Heaven

        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


          In general - I prefer plain backgrounds, and can be quite offended by patterned backgrounds. The thing that I liked about yours though was that it is nice & subtle - to the point that you don't really notice it. However if you do notice it, you see that its a billowing goal net and every footie fan likes to see one of those (preferably not in their own teams half though!!).
          I read the various debates about your background and opinion was fairly divided - but I can't help feeling that as long as the background isn't having a negative impact on the site on the technical side (not my area i'm afraid), then you should keep it. Its a site about football, for football fans. Its also your baby - so if you think it looks cool you should keep it.

          Logo: I think its the weakest part of your homepage, but one of the best ideas. (I assume its a nod to the gates at Anfield?). I liked some someones idea to elongate it to fit across the whole page, but I guess it might be a bit deep then and would take up too much space. I'm abit short of suggestions here at the mo.

          I'm so far away from being an expert though George - only being using actinic since about August last year. Just saying as i'm seeing though.

          Let me know when you get a few more Watford FC badges in!

          Cheers - Nick
          Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


            Just been back on your site, and see you've gone for the plain - Ignore my last message then!

            Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


              Lol, still playing around with it Nick, not to worry. The 'site was plain white for ages, which I'm a fan of I suppose, but with the slight colouring it maybe puts a little more emphisis on the tables, etc, as opposed to being a fully white page. Probably.

              I enjoy debate about design issues like these, even other peoples within the forum, its good education at times for us wannabe webmasters.

              The gates are from Upton Park, now back to the Premiership you'll have noticed. (Yes, Cardiff was good!).

              Logo being replaced very soon, although I'm struggling to get the thoughts flowing on this at the moment. Anyone feeling like helping out feel free...
              Football Heaven

              For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                George - apologies for the Anfield slur on your beloved Upton Park gates! Yes, I had noticed that the hammers are back in the premiership - helped out by my boys rolling over on the last day of the season!

                Anyway, back to business. Logo: I keep thinking about ways of incorporating footballs with angels (Football Heaven?). I'll think on........ maybe a football with a halo...........

                Cheers - Nick

                PS to Administrators: I know this discussion has moved a teensy bit away from 'Actinic V7 support' - apologies to you and anyone else that was about to post a reply pointing this out. Please feel free to move us on to the 'any other business' playground.
                Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


                  The Perfect Pad 'sites looking pretty slick and sexy these days mate... Well Done!
                  Football Heaven

                  For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                    Originally posted by george
                    The Perfect Pad 'sites looking pretty slick and sexy these days mate... Well Done!
                    Cheers! Wish it took abit more money though!
                    Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!

