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Deleting "Online Catalogue" Link

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    Deleting "Online Catalogue" Link

    I'm having a problem tracking down the code that includes the default "Online Catalogue" link that appears at the top and bottom of each products section.

    I've managed to lose the > that appears between this link and the name of the store section.

    I've tried editing the various Netquotevars in Act_productBody which is where I'd expect this code to be, but no success. One of the Netquatevars got rid of both the "Online Catalogue" link and the store section name. However, I want to retain the name of the store section.

    Anyone know where I can track this down?

    I've attached a pic to show more clearly. "Basic Products" in middle of screen need to stay. "Online Catalogue" need to go!

    I've also tried deleting the name from the content tree but the program won't let me, saying a name must be present.


    Attached Files

    Myles - that should disappear when you upload - it only appears in preview mode as your screen grab shows you are.

    I would recommend putting the separator back in as it is useful to show people how deep into the site they are.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Hello Jonty,

      I'm afraid the link does upload with the store as you can see at this url

      Apart from the section links in the left hand column, I only want the section name appearing above and below the product area. I know this is possible as I had it working once before. I just can't remember how!

      It won't be possible for customers to get lost in my store as I won't be using any brochure pages. (Have a separate website for that) The only links available will be a few sections down the left hand side and the usual links across the top. "Home" "Terms of Business" etc.,

      So I really don't need the "Catalogue">Section Name at the top and bottom of the product info. Just the Section names.

      Any ideas how?



        Ah - OK - have you tried editing the Master Section "Catalog Details" in the content tree (beneath which all the sections sit) - Actinic demands a name for the catalog which you can rename to suit or I think even use a space (so long as something is present)

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Thanks Jonty,

          I had tried deleting the name from the content tree but it wasn't having it. However, a space as you suggested was successful. A result!

          Many thanks,



            Just spotted a side effect of removing the "Catalogue" name from the content tree. It would seem that whatever name is used in the right hand pane called Catalog Details, "Online Catalogue" "Shop" etc., that name is also used as the page title on the index page within the <Title> Tags.

            So removing the name from the content tree results in the page being untitled.

            There must be another way of preventing this name from showing along side the section link, above and below the product info. Whilst at the same time generating a page title for the index page?

            Anyone got any solutions to this one?



              It took me a while, but this is the solution I've come up with.

              I've edited the ParentSectionLink template as follows:

              <!-- ParentSectionsLink HTML begin -->
              <!-- Insert HTML for the beginning of a parent section link -->

              <SPAN CLASS="actxsmall"><I><B><!-- NETQUOTEVAR: SECTIONNAME --></B></I></SPAN>

              <!-- Insert HTML for the end of a parent section link -->
              <!-- ParentSectionsLink HTML end -->
              <!-- A HREF="NETQUOTEVAR: SECTIONLINK" -->
              What is a bit odd is that if you move the Netquotevar: Sectionname which needs to be commented, it ceases to work! Not sure what that's about?



                Originally posted by magicalwonders
                There must be another way of preventing this name from showing along side the section link, above and below the product info.
                You can stop it displaying by going to 'design options/sections' and unticking 'show top level parent'.

                However, I just want to rename it - where/how do I do that? I can't find it anywhere and I don't understand your instructions above...?


                  duh. never mind, just figured out what the content tree was... I see how to rename it now!

