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Home Page product links

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    Home Page product links

    Hi there

    I have a very limited knowledge of website design and have only mamged to complete my website with the help of you lot!and the knowledge base.

    Im really wanting to add onto my homepage links where the user can click to the product they are seeing onthe page. I have seen other websites that do this but have no idea how to myself.

    I do knoe how to make a picture link to a particualr place on the website.
    What I would really like to do is have pictures where the wallpaper is opposite the menu on the right hand side, my website is so you can view the page I mean.

    I dont want the home page to continue down the page with the products beneath my text I want them to sit along side it but not in the main square.

    I really hope someone can help me out but please remember I have a very limited knowledge of it all.

    Fingers crossed someone can help.
    Thank you in advance
    Helz xx

    Hi Helz,

    You can link a picture to a particular product by using the <A href> tag as follows:
    <a href="">img src="your_picture" alt="describe_your_pic"</a>

    In the above, when you click on the image the link will take you to product ref #1.

    Start Actinic but don't go into preview, expand the product section which contains the product you want to link to, double click on the actual product and you will bring up the product info panel. Top left hand side you will see the product reference. That is the number you will put in the dynamic link shown above as PRODREF=your prod. ref number

    To layout your page you will need to design a table and insert your images and text within the cells of what could be a single table, or multiple tables. A lot of pages feature tables within tables and if you're not comfortable in writing the html tags for these tables then you want to spend a little time reading table tutorials (either on the web or in a book).

    Hope this helps, good luck with your site!


