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Moving server -SSL issue

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    Moving server -SSL issue

    We are moving to a new server (using a temp IP for setup) and the only thing holding us back is setting up our two Actinic sites. Our SSL is on the old 'live' server, and I believe I am correct thinking it cannot be put on the new server, and run on both, even though only one is 'live'.

    I am assuming because there is no SSL yet this is the reason I cannot upload as I get error messages such as domain does not exist.

    Since I am changing the cgi-bin setup and other paths I cannot simply copy the two sites over from the old server.

    Any suggestions please. I prefer to get this ready before we swap servers, rather than close both sites whilst I set the sites up, as this server is very different from our old one.

    Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
    Bob Isaac
    Director/Web Admin
    Volvo Owners Club Ltd

    Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2

    We've done this - ie leave a site on the old server with SSL.

    Then create the site on the new server and installed SSL before reassigning DNS.

    The result is SSL on both locations, last job to do is DNS change


      I can't create the site on the new server.

      When using Web | Configure Web Site Details.. I get an error message
      The website address (URL) does not refer to a web server. An error occurred in the secure channel support.
      The new server has a temporary IP (this will be changed to the IP of the live server on change-over) and to access it I have edited the file 'host' in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc on my local PC. This allows me to set up the server and website, but I can't upload the Actnic sites.

      I am also not sure if I have the correct setting for path from cgi-bin to acatalog Directory.

      If my cgi-bin is at /var/www/cgi-bin and acatalog is at /home/sites/, then what should I put for this path?

      Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
      Bob Isaac
      Director/Web Admin
      Volvo Owners Club Ltd

      Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


        I didn't mean to infer that you could upload actinic. I meant my post to say that you could get the SSL set up on the new server, so that when you change the dns and consequently upload the site it will be SSL enabled.

        Whilst it is possible to upload Actinic to a temporary IP, the SSL cert is for the domain name, therefore will not match.

