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Order Levels

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    Order Levels

    I have set up a Customer Account and assigned an Order Level structure restricted to the account as below:

    £100 - £300 recieve a discount of 25%
    £300 - £500 recieve a discount of 30%
    £500 - £800 recieve a discount of 35%
    £800 + recieve a discount of 40%

    This work fine and calculates correctly overall products at checkout.

    My question is - I have several products which do not qualify for a discount due to low Profit Margins and wish to exclude them from the Order level structure.

    Can this be done?

    I have looked at Product Groups which allow only one order level per Product Grouping such as orders over £100 recieve %25 discount etc.

    I have tried assigning the same product to multiple groups to immitate the order level structure but only one product can be assigned to each group.

    Is there a way to turn off Order Levels for certain Products?



    anyone for this one?


      Hi Leonkush,

      There is no way currently to turn off 'Order Level Discounts' for certain products as this particular discount applies over the store and is not specific to or limited to products / sections.

      I can pass this onto the Development team to see fi they can shed any light. Will keep you updated.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Thank you Bruce,

        That is appreciated, as i am trying to figure some work around to do this one?



          Hi Leon,

          I have tried this and it works pretty well. Wonder if you can try this and let me know if it works.

          1) Create a product group and assign all the products but the ones with the low Profit Margins..
          2) In View | Discount and Surcharge settings | .. If you have any order level discounts enabled, please disable them.
          3) Go to the 'Cart Contents' tab, Delete or disable any discounts that you already have there.
          4) Against 'Show Discounts of Product Groups" select "All"
          5) Create a New Discount by clicking on the 'New' tab..
          a) Create the highest discount first .. 40% Off
          b) In the 'General' tab, select 'Enabled'
          c) 'Based On' to show 'Value Excluding Tax'
          d) 'Trigger' at '£800.00'
          e) 'Product Group' show the new product group you created with the discountable items.
          f) Under 'Rewards' .. 'Reward Type' at '% off'
          g) 'Reward Amount' at '40.00'

          Click on 'Apply'

          Now following steps 'a' to 'g' create the discounts for 35%, 30% and 25%.. in descending order, else they will not work correctly. Please also select the same product group for the other 3 discounts.

          On the 'Miscellaneous' tab on 'Discount and surcharge settings',
          Under 'General' nothing selected.
          Under 'Discount Information', both options selected.
          Under 'Discount Description', select how you would want it to display.
          Under 'Consolidate Cart Content Discount Lines for, select "% off"

          Do an update and see if it works,

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Thank you for the effort Bruce,

            The part that got me was the Cart Contents Order.

            Originally posted by Bruce
            Now following steps 'a' to 'g' create the discounts for 35%, 30% and 25%.. in descending order, else they will not work correctly. Please also select the same product group for the other 3 discounts.
            I tried a similar arrangment while testing but put the order as asending (25% - 30% - 35% - 40%) rather than decending. This didn't work as the percentage remains 25% regardless of the cart total. Leading me to believe that it wasn't possible.

            I think this should be documented as an FAQ etc or the programmers maybe considering changing the code to allow for an asending order in future.

            This would be of benifit for others who need to attempt a similar approach.

            Thank you again for your help, now I can keep on moving on.


